Chance me for my top two colleges! Will chance back within 12 hours!!

-Quinnipiac University (Submitting Applications By NEXT Friday! Rolling Admissions)
-Massachusetts College of Pharmacy & Health Science <a href="Applying%20Mid%20Janurary">Boston Campus</a>
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<p>thinking bout nursing</p>

<p>So here is my profile:
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<p>Race/Ethnicity: Asian (but born in america)
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<p>GPA(Unweighted): 2.45 (3.5QUARTER 1 SENIOR YEAR!)
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<p>(BUT I do a lot of work im a cashier at moms store I work 34 hours a week . every week of the year since freshman year over school year and 74 hours a week every week suring summer over the past 4 years)
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<p>Essay: Told by 6 teacher that its incredible
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Critical Reading: 450
Math: 590
Writing: 440
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Job/Work Experience:
works 2 hours a school day and 12 hours saturdays and sundays everyday at a convience store my mom owns
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from my history teacher who use to be a guidance councelor and my english teacher who went to harvard. </p>

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Interview: Had my interview with a quinnipiac admin whose gonna read my application and she loved me</p>



<p>I am not really sure to be honest. You have a chance. Work on your senior grades.</p>

<p>I would say you have a solid chance at both, if you had slightly higher test scores you would be in for sure.</p>

<p>I think you have a good chance, especially with good recommendations, essay, and interview. If you have not taken the SAT more than once, take it again and try and increase your score a bit. I would say with prep, since you wrote a good essay, you could bring up your CR and Writing score to at least 500. And try and bring your math score up past 600.</p>

<p>@glayla @Zed456 @bobjohnson my quarter 1 GPA for senior is 3.500 Quinnipiacc will see that as MCPHS will see my first semester</p>

<p>QUs SAT scores range from 500-580 on CR and 500-600 for math.</p>

<p>You’re a bit low on the CR side, but I don’t think it’s a HUGE problem</p>

<p>Honestly, you’ll probably get in. Provided your essay is good and the recommendation is at least decent, you’ll make the cut. They have a 70% acceptance rate, so I wouldn’t be too worried.</p>

<p>@jonluca I think my gpa is a problem</p>




<p>Pretty good chance for QU, though I won’t bet on a scholarship.
Try to bring up those SAT scores and you’ll have a much better chance at Mass! :)</p>

<p>You have a good chance at both-~60% You will get into at least one of the two.</p>

<p>chance me, please be honest
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Chance me back please - <a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>just chanced you guys earlier today :)</p>

<p>You have above a 50% chance at each school easily. I bet you’ll get into both. Good luck! Please chance me back.</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Thanks chancing u now</p>


<p>will chance back people who chance me now till midnight!</p>