chance me for NB

<p>gpa: 87...
rank: top 30%
sat scores: 1850 (CR = 560, M = 630 W = 660 11 on essay)
total APs (4): Junior yr = Psychology (scored 5), Senior yr = Macro/Micro Economics, Biology, Literature and Comp.
courses: honors and aps (junior and senior yr) and regular (freshmen and soph yr.. didnt do so well then).. overall an upward trend in my grades and course load from fresh to senior year.
- korean club
- president of health&medicine club
- hospitality volunteer at hospital
- performed at multicultural dance night
- presented a public service health announcement on skin cancer
- advocated for less crime rates that were growing in krn communities
- participated in lab work at the national argonne laboratory
- volunteered at the ronald mcdonald house
- was a participant of the National Student Leadership Conference (health&medicine)
-tutoring in math/sci subjects for struggling students
(list can go on lol)</p>

1. SAS for neuroscience
2. SEABS for pre-med
3. college of nursing </p>

<p>i would appreciate all your opinions on my chances at these schools :)</p>

<p>Im 99% sure u will get into SAS and SEBs (I got in with top 10%, A lot of ECs, 4.1 UW GPA, 3.6 W, 1750 SAT)</p>

<p>Nursing, not sureā€¦i think you might 100-200 points short on SAT.</p>

<p>oh okay thats good to hear :slight_smile: well im not entirely interested in college of nursing since i know that i wont have a great chance at getting in. all im interested in is SAS and SEBS. which one is a better fit for me if i get into both? im looking to advance into medical school after my undergrad yrs so thats good for pre-med but im also very passionated about the field of neuroscience ): but i hear any major is okay for med school as long as i take the required courses and MCATs</p>

<p>Im going for bio major and SAS is the best for science majors.</p>

<p>u hv a good chance</p>