Asian American, Female
Grades: 3.86 out of 5 weighted (Note: thats just Junior year’s grades, I moved from California to Massachussetts right before junior year)
Taken: AP Bio, got a 4 on the test
Currently Taking: Ap Computer Science, AP Statistics, Honors english, honors history, honors calc, honors physics
Writing: 35
Reading: 35
Science: 34
Math: 30
Composite: 34
Varsity Badminton for one year before moving
Varsity tennis three years
Varsity Track and Field two years & captain
Interned at a prestigious investment firm in Boston for the summer before senior year
Created a reading program to encourage kids to read summer before junior year
volunteered at a hindi language camp
worked in soup kitchen
Over 200 hours in volunteer work
Please feel free to ask for further clarifications! I probably forgot some stuff