Chance Me for Penn ED and others

Demographics: Male, Indian, Upper-Middle Class, Private HS

GPA: 3.92UW/4.25W

Intended Major: Real Estate/Urban Studies

7 APs

5 Honors

SAT: 1520 (800 math, 720 R)


President’s Education Award

High Honor Roll

DECA International Award

Speaker at Real Estate Expo


Bodybuilding (Teen Division National Champion)

Research; co-published construction contracts with Professor at UPenn Wharton

Founder of Organization that teaches Middle School students entrepreneurship and financial literacy after-school

Internship at Real Estate Development Company

Internship at $500M Private Equity Real Estate Firm

President of school DECA chapter; District Representative; Qualified for Internationals (9,11)

Eagle Scout, Patrol Leader, Earned 21 Merit Badges, Involved in Troop for 12 Years

Personal Blog on Real Estate Investment Strategies and Market Trends

Research Project on Real Estate Investment; Presented to School Board; earned honors designation

Sneaker Reselling Business; generated 15k in revenue

Essays: 9/10

LOR: 8.5/10

Received letter from CEO of Development Company (9.5/10)


UPenn ED (CAS Urban Studies Major)


Stanford (RD)

Yale (RD)

Columbia (RD)


UMich Ross EA

Georgetown RD


Very impressive. ED is a possibility at Penn.

No reason you can’t get into any school. Your ECs are strong .

But oh - what’s your safety ?:slight_smile: u need a UGA or a Wisconsin for real estate…US News, for what it’s worth, rates Wisc #1 ahead of Penn. or your in state school. FSU is solid too. And IU has real estate and is often the safety for top students.

Urban studies is often a social science with a different list. .

I think you’ll be ok but I would have a backup.

Good luck.

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Congratulations, your GPA and scores look to be in line, and great ECs! However, for chancing we need to know your rank as all as if you challenged yourself with the most demanding courses your school offers. 3.92 UW/4.25W can be in close to VAL at some schools and not even in the top 20% at others. Also, it depends how your school usually does in admissions: some schools have the top third accepted to ivy-likes, others only have a couple of those acceptances per year. Best of luck to you!

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I challenged myself with the most demanding course load. My school doesn’t rank but I would say I’m within the top 15% of my class. I go to a small private school, which does fairly well in admissions. Last year two people ED to Penn and they both got in.

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My safeties are Drexel and Lehigh. I applied to Urban Studies for Penn because in my essays I talked about my Interdisciplinary interest in Real Estate and Urban Studies. Furthermore, I mentioned how Penn offers a minor in Urban Real Estate Development, allowing me a structured program for my interest.

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Are you a U.S. citizen?

You have a nice list of accomplishments. Still every school on your list is a reachy level school. Many, if not most, have acceptance rates under 20%…even less for international students (please clarify this). Amongst the vast majority of those who aren’t accepted, there are plenty of very well qualified students like you.

I hope this is just a list of your reach schools, and you also have some on your list where you have a much better chance of acceptance and you like the schools…and they are affordable.

First, if this is your real name you may want to change it:

Second, itlooks like you‘ve already applied and the results are expected be out in less than a week, so there’s really no point stressing about your chances right now. Just wait until Thursday!

Where else have you applied? Hopefully you have less reachy schools on your list. You’re a competitive candidate but as you probably know, there are no guarantees at highly rejective schools like Penn and most of the others on your list.


Your activities shout Wharton and you have other business schools on your list, but you applied CAS. I hope your supplemental essay on why you picked CAS makes a persuasive case. (You don’t want to be flagged as a Wharton wannabe who is applying as a first year to CAS on the premise that it will increase chances of admission to Penn.)

Anyway, we are a week out, as @DadOfJerseyGirl noted. (Chancing works better when decisions are being made on application strategies or building a final list.) The list you’ve shared is reach-heavy, so I hope you have more balance than we see, have deployed EA and RD applications as allowed, and are considering an ED2 option — not necessarily because I’m overly skeptical of your chances, but because it’s prudent.

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