Chance me for Phillips Exeter

<p>I'm currently in the 7th grade and I'm going into the 8th this September and I want to know what kind of sports/clubs I should be in to help my application. I'm interested in Public Speaking, Debate, Student Council, Model UN, Improv and Sailing. </p>

<p>As of Grade 7 I have straight A's </p>

<p>I'm in the schools gifted program</p>

<p>I have an above average IQ</p>

<p>I got a 100k scholarship to my high school for my Academic, Citizenship, Athletics and Arts
( It was highly competitive as only 60 girls got in and 2 are scholars). I think this will appeal to Exeter as they don't believe in students getting in by entitlement, and I have already worked so hard to earn this scholarship. </p>

<p>I'm a recipient of the British Columbia Stellar Achievement Award for my Heritage Fair project on the impact of the Iranian Revolution on my life and people in Canada. ( My parents had to escape after being political activists)</p>

<p>I'm also an activist and I'm currently planning a rally to support and demand education regardless of gender. There is going to be media and such, this isn't some little kid protest. </p>

<p>My hobbies include acting in community theatre for 3 years and becoming well-known for that. I started because I was getting bullied due to my race and I needed some sort of escape and confidence, which I got. </p>

<p>I've been playing the piano for 7 years and I play soccer. I also won an award in my school for being a good, well rounded citizen, and I've won our geography bee for 2 years in a row ( I know this is basically irrelevant as an achievement but it shows my passion towards learning about the world)</p>

<p>I'm not aware of my actual score on my school admissions test but I do know it was above the 90th percentile so experience on that test will help on the SSAT. </p>

<p>I volunteer in the local community centre whenever I get the chance, but I'd like to branch out and do more ( any suggestions?)</p>

<p>I speak English and Farsi fluently, and I know conversational French ( I started this year but I'm going to get ahead this year as I'm taking intensive). I also took Japanese classes and I am now studying it in my free time. </p>

<p>I have Grade 12 writing skills and a strong, one-of-a kind writers voice ( as referenced in my recommendation letters), which I'm sure will help when it comes to the essay portion. </p>

<p>I've gotten so far on my own, my family has never been able to afford putting me in professional courses or pay for private school, but I've already made it this far.</p>

<p>Above all, I'm really passionate about attending Exeter and being part of the school. I know I have qualities to bring to it even if they haven't shown yet. I'm also a big fan of the Harkness system as we used the method in my gifted classes and those were the lessons that I really learned what was being taught.</p>

<p>So if you have any suggestions/tips for clubs and sports or the application process, I would really appreciate it.</p>