Chance Me for Poly Sci

Hello Everyone!

My daughter has applied for SLO Poly Sci with a 4350 MCA. 4.04 GPA and 29 ACT. Unusual extra curriculars as well as multiple employment.

Does she have a shot at SLO Poly Sci? She was torn between applying Poly Sci and History. Would History be an easier major to get into? She can still change her major until January 15th, should she consider changing it?

Thank you to everyone for your kind feedback. :slight_smile:

Considering that your DD is an in-state applicant and the average GPA and ACT for Liberal Arts majors last year were 4.04 and 29, IMHO she has a great shot at being admitted. If not then she will most likely be put on the waitlist. I am sure her work experience and unusual ECs will make her stand out from the crowd. I am not too sure if History would be an easier major to get into than Poly Sci.

Best wishes!

P.S. Congratulations on her early acceptance to SDSU! It’s a great school! :slight_smile:

Based on SLO projections, they have a target Freshman class of 75 students vs. 1399 applicants for Political Science while for History the target class is 55 vs. 405 applicants. Many schools will accept around 3x as many applicants vs seats available so History would be an easier admit.

@CharlieEcho35, Cal Poly admits competitively by major. The selectivity between majors can vary dramatically. Thus, averages across whole colleges have no relevance. Also, ECs and work are only counted by hours in the algorithm. No one reads the applications. What the specific EC or job is has no bearing in the way CP accepts students. Supreme Court intern is the same as JV Basketball Team manager. I agree with @Gumbymom that History would likely be easier, but encourage the OP to search last year’s Final Status threads. Good luck.

Hello Everyone, thank you so much for your kind and informative posts! I did try to go back and look for the Poly Sci and History admits but didn’t find a lot of information. We are considering going in and changing her major to History. Will they know we changed it? Will that reflect poorly on her application?

Thank you!

As long as she changes it before the deadline, I’d assume it would be the same as if it had been that way all along.