Chance Me for Princeton =D

<p>I'm an international student (Chinese citizen), who has applied for permanent residency earlier in the year (my situation's really strange because my family's permanent residency IS approved, but we are still in the adjustment phase, which means we don't have the social security numbers yet, although we are already guaranteed a green card) and who has been living in Virginia for 3 years.</p>

<p>GPA: Weighted-4.29; Unweighted-somewhere between 3.9 and 4.0
Rank: 1/249 at a pretty competitive high school. I also attend a Governor's School specialized in math and science in the morning in addition to my regular school; so my classes are half-half at the two schools.</p>

<p>SAT I: 650 CR (this would make the highest combined; the highest at one setting would be 640); 800 Math; 760 Writing--retaken SATI score unknown yet
ACT: 33 (I forgot if I reported this)</p>

<p>SAT II: Chinese with Listening 800; Math IIC 790; Chemistry 760; US History 720</p>

<p>I lived in China and Canada and skipped 4 grades when I was in China (which made me the youngest in my provinces history to attend middle school, at age 8). I already started Calculus at the age of 10. However, when I went to Canada I was held back 2 grades due to overly young age (they were afraid my classmates would bully me since I was a foreigner and so much younger). I did keep studying Chinese textbooks, and eventually got into interesting challenging math classes here in the U.S. I speak three Chinese dialects (including Mandarin), French, and English (obviously) fluently, and some Japanese, German, and Korean. I guess those could be my highlights...</p>

<p>Some Awards: National Merit Commended Student; AP Scholar with Distinction; awards in national writing contests, Honorable Mention in the USA Mathematical Talent Search; Awards at up to State Science Fair; various awards from Canadian national math contests. There are more, but these are the important ones I guess.</p>

<p>Extra-curriculars: Pres. of Writer's Club, Founder and Pres. of Chinese Connections Club, Captain of Math Academic Bowl, Co-Captain of Debate, All-around Academic Bowl, NHS. These are just senior year clubs; leaderships from past years aren't on here. I used to volunteer at the adult day services at VT starting summer after 10th grade, but then at the start of 11th grade felt that the position was too boring and I didn't feel like I was helping others very much, so I changed to volunteering at the local hospital, where I still volunteer now. Due to my citizenship status I cannot work paid jobs, but I did have an internship in a law office in junior year and an internship in the Virginia Bioinformatics Institute now (both unpaid), and I tutored a college student for free for her GRE Math Exam.</p>

<p>Essay-My essays were unique in topic (I think), but I really didn't use any "big words" or anything...would that hurt? I didn't realize this until I've submitted all my applications.</p>

<p>I know my SATs probably weren't good enough and my ec's probably weren't terrific in such an applicant pool...what do you all think about it? Any chances for me? And please be as honest and brutal as you can. Thank you all so, so much!</p>

<p>Over 100 views and no chances…is it because my organization of post is too bad or my stats are too bad?</p>

<p>It’s because there is absolutely no way to see how a specific Princeton admissions officer is going to consider your application.</p>

<p>Err…what should I take that comment to mean? I read it and decided there were too many interpretations…My application would have a bad chance? Unsure? I guess I’m just being slow.
But even if my chances are not assessable, could someone still answer my question of whether not using “big words” on the essays could hurt my application? I was a little scared because all my friends used SAT words and stuff and I put almost no such words on my essays.</p>

<p>prlly not a big deal if u didnt use “big” words… PM me ur essay – ill let u know how they are</p>

<p>otherwise, decent chance for an international applicant</p>

<p>All I’m saying, crystalclear, is that, from what I can gather, you certainly have all the necessary qualifications to fit in with Princeton, but as with me and all of the other applying hopefuls, there’s just no way to see how they’re going to look at each of us.</p>

<p>Thanks Acceptd, I PMed it to you.</p>

<p>Thanks Amadeuic! I should’ve gotten that. I guess I was just being real tired…just finished two mid-term exams =O</p>

<p>crystal - are u sure u pmd it to me? haha i didnt receive it</p>

<p>You have a decent shot but you’re talking about Princeton here–so I’d just say around 10% because of their low acceptance rates. Just curious though, how old would you be when you start college?</p>

<p>Thanks mcb52, I would have just turned 16.
Acceptd, now it should be right, I sent the PM to Amadeuic by mistake =P
Sorry Amadeuic, I was trying to send my essay to Acceptd; gosh your "A"s really messed me up =P Just ignore it.</p>

<p>absolutely no chance… </p>

<p>“Essay-My essays were unique in topic (I think), but I really didn’t use any “big words” or anything…would that hurt? I didn’t realize this until I’ve submitted all my applications.” – i think not using big words is the least of your problems</p>

<p>thanks for commenting on my essay Acceptd. the one I sent to you was my “risky” essay so I guess I wasn’t totally completely surprised that you thought it was a failure. I was guessing that some people would like it; some people wouldn’t. Thanks for being brutal anyway. I felt that I wrote the essay from my heart and didn’t pretend anything, but I guess college essays may have different expectations…my other essay (the Common App) was more normal and commented by teachers and peer and closer to the kind that others wrote (from what I’ve read) so hopefully if this essay is that bad the other one could have made up for it. My whole point in this essay was in fact trying to tell them what kind of a person I am–I don’t know if it was a successful attempt but I tried =D</p>