Chance Me for QuestBridge NCM

Don’t know the answer - so just asking the question but if you weren’t matched, wouldn’t it be like you were rejected so it would just happen again in RD?

RD at top schools is becoming much more competitive since few seats are left.

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No. QB unmatched finalists (only the finalists go thru the matching process) who roll into RD (or EA/ED as allowed) have another bite at the apple at ranked schools, can apply to schools they hadn’t ranked, and in general (AFAIK) have greater than average chance of admission.


Thank you for explaining the details of the QB process and the reasoning behind your application strategy. It’s been very informative for me and I expect will also help future QB applicants who read this thread.

I look forward to following your journey and wish you the best of luck!


But, now I’m not sure what the question being asked is? Are we chancing their odds of being accepted by a match? Or, chancing their non-match RD odds?

Good point. Hopefully the OP will clarify.

Not sure it matters, as none of us have the ability to chance because we don’t have visibility to all the important application components.

Additionally, for QB, as I said above, one of the primary determinants of successfully becoming a finalist is the student’s EFC. Most finalists have an EFC zero, or close to it. As EFC rises, chance of becoming a finalist decreases. Once the EFC is not in Pell grant territory (EFC a bit over $6k), my understanding is it’s unlikely the student would be named a finalist. Like anything, I expect there are exceptions, but OP should run the EFC estimator I linked to above.

That’s an interesting point. It went right over my head the first time you mentioned it. Additionally, the OP is not technically a FGLI applicant. For HYPMS, just being a QB finalist without the extra designation (and, maybe even with it) would not necessarily be a hook.

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I also wonder how being a QB finalist is perceived but, generally I think it’s a positive. It does seem like OP is low income (LI). QB is a pre-vetted way for these schools to admit pell grant eligible students. Increasing the Pell proportion of students is a fairly high priority for many highly rejective schools.


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