<p>GPA: 4.0 Unweighted
Courses: Mostly Honors and AP
SATs: 2150 (730 CR, 740 Math, 680 Writing)
ACT: 32 (31 Eng, 31 Reading, 34 Math, 31 Science, 10 Writing)
SAT Subject Tests: 700 Math I, 750 Physics
AP Tests: English Lang and Comp 5</p>
<p>Senior Year Course Load:
** SUPA is a college level course granting credit from Syracuse University**</p>
<p>SUPA Biology
AP Calculus
SUPA English
Honors Public Policy
SUPA Economics
Electives (Creative Writing and Public Speaking)</p>
Upper Class (>$250,000) (Will not be applying for financial aid)</p>
<p>Some of my Extra Curriculars:
Philosophy Club
Mock Trial Club
Varsity Tennis for 3 years
Youth Group Mission (Volunteering for two days at homeless shelters)
Group Leader for the 30-hour Famine (Local church function for world hunger)
School trip to Paris and Rome
National Honors Society
Extensive volunteering at a local library</p>