Chance me for the schools I'm applying to [Equestrian going premed for rare diseases]

Earlier, you mentioned that there’s the possibility of you going blind later in life. I hope that doesn’t happen, but if it does, I just wanted to offer some words of encouragement. I have a friend who went totally blind in his late 30s due to a genetic condition. But he lives a full and pretty good life. He’s married, too. When he started to lose his eyesight, he found the local braille institute to be really helpful.

Also as a quick side note - the audio descriptions on tv shows and movies are usually pretty good.

Another friend of mine also lost her eyesight due to a similar situation. She now has a seeing eye dog and it’s totally opened up her world.

Wishing you all the best. When dealing with a rare disease, finding the right medical provider can be challenging.

I have a semi-retired service dog right now (who’s the best boi ever) and I plan on finding a prospect soon as my SD is turning 6 this year. /softly, lighting up

Thank you so much for these encouraging words. It means everything. /warmly, appreciative

Also ironically… i’m deaf, so audio descriptions aren’t helpful. /sheepish

You’re so welcome. All the best to you – I’m rooting hard for you!

/protectively and full of hope


:pleading_face: y’all are so sweet and out here melting my heart. thank you. /appreciatively

I’ll keep you guys posted!! /excitedly


this is non-college related but here’s two random things I thought I’d share:

  1. I’m sick again (jazz hands) /groaning

  2. I told my friend once that the future may be slow to come, just like a flower when it blooms, but when both do, it’s beautiful. (and I think that applies to the college process) /softly

You know, reading all your posts here, you seem like a very special person. I just wanted to say that.

Edited to add: I hope you’re feeling better soon.


Wait, what exactly do you mean by that? /curiously [feel free to answer this part by sending me a DM]

And, thanks. I’m pretty sure my soul is just floating above my body at this point. /sighing

You seem to have a kind soul, fairly mature outlook, a reflective nature, along with sharp intelligence. It’s not such a common combination. I imagine, however, that much of that has been forged through the challenges you have faced. It takes great strength to not be broken by such challenges, but to push ahead and dare to keep dreaming.


You’re right about the reflectivity part- I personally don’t think I’m all that smart, mature, or kind- but maybe that’s just me being me and also me being harsh on myself. /admittedly

You’re also right that most of who I am has been forged by… some unforgivable experiences (mostly bullying through grade + middle school) as well as my many challenges. Growing up, I knew I wanted to make an impact on others. Here’s an excerpt of a DM I wrote showing/showcasing that moment (and yes, I’m sharing it because I believe it to be insightful.)

And I don’t want to be a world changer for the fame or prestige or being a “hero” as a first responder… no, I do it because I know exactly what it’s like to hear that there’s the first genetic marker found for your condition and then burst out in tears in AP Lang class because you desperately waited for 7 years in the dark without any resources and were just handed medication without anything else to help you- with a potential life ahead of blindness, without a cure. I want to have a deep impact on the world, and honestly, the more meaningful doctors become, the better the field can become. /thoughtful, sorta rambly

My maturity (if I have any) stems from being surrounded by intellectual curiosity and engagement all my life, I’d think. I’ve learned how to fight for myself fiercely (thanks, mom) and how to articulate myself in moments of intellectual debate. /pondering, musing

Many people have told me no, or that I can’t do something. But honestly? I"m the child who was said to not survive birth. And yet, here I am. My spirit I believe to be that of a mustang. You know, those wild horses. Rooted in value and empathy and never wavering in my dreams. /musing

My kindness (again, if I seem to actually have it) also stems from my experiences. I want everyone, no matter who they are or what they’ve done, to be heard. To feel loved, seen, respected and cared for. Because ultimately, we’re all just people trying to help each other. And I don’t want to ever, ever let a single person fall through the cracks- be it in life as a whole, in the education system, in the workplace, or as a patient in the medical field. We are all human, and we all deserve love, empathy, kindness, and respect. /thoughtful, rambly again


One more thing- if you don’t hear from me for awhile, I’m either studying, sleeping, or at school. Or at the barn. /adding on playfully

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Update: I have somewhat of a response from the Oakland admissions, but we need to give them more supporting documents before we get an official answer. This also opens up UMass as an option, again. Back to the drawing board while I wait for a formal response and to hear from my RD schools. /sighing, tiredly


It’s a marathon! Pace yourself.



Whatever happens, Umass is a terrific option, especially since you would be in the honors program.


I’m not sure why you wouldn’t have provided medical documentation up front. In essence you’re asking for a medical exception. Of course, that will require documentation.


blink blonk i don’t have the braincells to give a proper response, so, okay. /sighing

@tsabna44, read more carefully. She did provide documentation, her post says she was asked for MORE documentation.

For some reason people are more inclined to pile on this possibly fragile kid. Cut it out, guys!!


Oh, come on now. How is that constructive for this kid??

(Well, I see this got flagged. I’ll let it stand. @cinnamon1212 expressed my thoughts in a more CC-friendly way, I guess. :grinning: No offense intended.)


fragile is right at this point. i’m gonna stop talking about NEU altogether at this point. i am done. i am in tears. /quiet

Well, @DramaMama2021 and I clearly have your back!

Try not to let internet strangers who frankly have no clue about you or the details of your particular situation get to you.