Chance me for the schools I'm applying to [Equestrian going premed for rare diseases]

definitely easier said than done, but i’ll heed your advice. /sighing

as for everyone else- i’m just not going to update about NEU at this rate, and only share it in DMs, if this is how people are going to act. Stay tuned for more updates. /sighing

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I did not say I wish OP I’ll will so let’s not act like this.

I said of course they will want documentation as this is asking for an admission not granted via medical exception.

I assume, based on the request, NEU is seeking some sort of letter or affidavit from a medical professional confirming the situation….as they should since they admitted OP, but to a secondary campus.

Let’s not make it like I said something evil.

You’re all entitled to your opinion but it’s simply a comment. Most in this situation would know up front. And if not, you learn from your experiences.

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Agreed. Let’s not pile on a poster for pointing out a simple fact-medical exemptions require substantial documentation.


i’m sorry, maybe i just read it wrong? /apologetically

OP- hugs to you.

Nobody is being mean to you. We are all rooting for you.

However, you are facing a big transition- away from your HS, your town, your family, where everyone understands your challenges-- to a bunch of strangers who only know what they read-- what you have written, what has been written about you, what your medical history says about you.

This is a great thing- you are becoming an independent adult. But there’s also a steep learning curve. The world is filled with people parking in handicapped spots who are able-bodied, and people claiming disabilities from a work accident who are collecting thousands of dollars a month while they play golf and tennis, and people suing shopping centers for falling on a patch of ice when a review of the security video shows them gently lying down on the ice and yelling “help”. It stinks for folks with legitimate medical issues that the world is so skeptical and requires tons and tons of documentation… but it also stinks for society that so many people are trying to game the system.

You will discover over the next few years the best way to have your needs met, without having your privacy totally invaded. Think of this process as baby steps. People you don’t know are asking questions about your medical needs, the extent of your relationships with your provider team, your need to stay close to them. That’s a good thing- it means they are taking your request seriously.

Hugs to you.


I appreciate your words. /grateful

My disease is extremely rare (0.32 for every 100k births- as per NIH/Pubmed) so yeah, it makes sense people are skeptical and want to know more. Practically no one has heard of it. /admittedly

And the more hugs, the merrier. This is a long process. /sighing

There are also people on these boards who either applied to Northeastern or whose kids did. The Oakland campus is new this year, and I think there was some anger/confusion about getting accepted to the Oakland campus when they applied for Boston only. Many people would like to be able to get to Boston.

I am not questioning OPs medical history or sincerity, but I can see Northeastern making it a very high bar to clear to be able to change their admission decision. I imagine they would be hesitant to open that door when they are trying to establish Oakland as a viable and positive option.


this is mostly not college related but a slightly funny thing-

I’m doing my Senior Capstone on my disease. I thought there would be tons of articles, at least in the scholarly department (Pubmed, NIH, etc.)

…I was wrong. I was very, very wrong. Maybe 10 articles, tops? None with largely “vital” information, but it’s interesting to say the least. /amused at myself

Anyways, you’ll hear soon when I hear from my RD schools about the results. /happily


Hoping to hear good news from you soon!


You could ask your specialist at Children’s for a bibliography.


sometimes others have a braincell when I do not. /amused at myself for not coming up with the idea sooner

thank you! I’ll look into it <3 /appreciative

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Update: I got invited to apply to the BioTAP program at UMass Amherst!! really excited about this opportunity <3


Congratulations! It sounds like a wonderful opportunity. U. Mass is obviously trying to keep some of the state’s top talent in-state!

/Sincere & excited


Update: Rejected from UW! Interesting to me (personally) but I’m not upset about it. Onto bigger and better things! /mostly amused at the process


You have such a positive attitude. And absolutely…bigger and better things ahead!


So- I forgot to send my FAFSA to Williams back in January (granted FAFSA only lets you do 10 colleges at a time), so I just sent it to them- will it delay FA significantly, since they drop on the 17th? /oopsies ADHD moment

[note they have my CSS and supporting IDOC docs, but not my FAFSA, literally sent it a couple hours ago]

[all other schools are UTD on FA docs fyi, I just did an oopsies w Williams.]

Okay listen am I ready for CWRU, Middlebury, Williams, and Amherst College to be releasing decisions through the 17th and 18th? nO I most CERTAINLY am NOT. /i can describe this as chaotically unprepared but also very much prepared

also this is your reminder to stay tuned for decision updates on these schools once I hear back this week <3


rejected from williams! perfectly okay with me, considering every rejection is just pushing me further to the school i’m meant to be! (will update when amherst drops in a few) /completely happy, vibing

(i’m honest with tone indicators so i’m genuinely happy, don’t worry)


aaand rejected from amherst!! /totally cool with it

i will update you guys on CWRU and Middlebury tomorrow!


I love your positive attitude. Wherever you go will be lucky to have you.

/Sincere & impressed