Chance me for the schools I'm applying to [Equestrian going premed for rare diseases]

Best of luck from a Tufts parent


Good luck tomorrow!

I got rejected from Tufts! I’m perfectly happy, and I’m so thrilled to be hearing from the next schools soon! Stay tuned- I got Boston College later this week, USC and W&M on Friday, and BU and Wesleyan on Saturday!! /genuinely excited for the future


I got rejected from Boston College! It’s okay. This one stings a bit, but I’m still so thrilled for what the future holds. I can’t wait to hear from USC and W&M tomorrow, and BU and Wesleyan on Saturday! /happily


Love your attitude so so much! Hoping to imbibe this as I step into Ivy day :grin:
Good things are coming for us :sparkles:


currently holding back tears because it’s starting to sink in that I got rejected from my dream school, but I’m genuinely thrilled at the same time to hear from the other schools. I appreciate it. /warmly


Relax, you will be just fine. You have UMass Amherst honors with an invitation to apply to BioTAP. Have you submitted an application for the program yet, or does this only happen after you accept UMass? The program sounds like just the right thing to get you launched on research. The nearly new honors college campus is beautiful, the food is fantastic, and you have such a wide variety of opportunities there, plus all that the 5 college consortium offers. And it’s close enough that you can still be seen by your docs and team at Children’s.

You weren’t going to go to USC or W&M anyway - too far. Honestly, I don’t think that Wesleyan compares to what UMass is offering you. Now if BU takes you, and offers you enough money to make it comparable cost-wise to UMass, then you’ll have a tough decision, since BU does offer probably more than comparable research opportunities, plus you’d have easier access to clinical settings for shadowing, research, etc, since Boston Medical is nearby, plus you might be able to get into some research at Children’s with your connection to the department as a patient. Not to mention that if you need them, you’d be able to be seen at Children’s very easily, just a short cab ride away.


Honestly, anything we say right now probably won’t help. It’ll take time but I know you’ll get over it. Give yourself time, space, grace, and lots of ice cream!


I applied for BioTAP the same day the invitation came out, they said I’ll hear in early April. /sighing

GWU releases Monday evening, but it’s not like I’m going there either. /sighing

And I appreciate the perspective. It’ll help me once I’m out of the “feeling my feelings” phase. /appreciatively


I’m super huge on manifestation. You need to project positivity into the universe and things will align. I KNOW YOU WILL GET IN!

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I appreciate it, but I can’t go even if admitted, due to my circumstances. /warmly

As for the manifestation part, I’m huge on prayer (I’m religious) so I’ve been praying a lot. /chuckling a bit (not in a mean way)


I appreciate you continuing to give us updates, and I still love your positive attitude. It’s hard when we realize a particular dream won’t come true, but I’ve found that once that gets in the rear view mirror, that I usually realize that I ended up in a better situation anyway.

You’re going to be a blessing to whatever school you decide to attend, and if an admissions office wasn’t able to realize that from your application, then it’s that school’s loss. And you’ve already got a great offer from U. Mass HONORS (which I keep hearing is particularly hard to get into). Definitely keep your chin up!

/sincere & encouraging


thank you. been on calls with friends to remind myself of that. I’m sure that by April, I’ll look back and sympathize with current me but be so excited to attend UMass. I’m so grateful for everyone’s perspectives here on this thread. It means a lot to me, so thank you. /appreciatively


Big hug. Try to view the next few days as a quick swim through a lake of jello. It feels like it’s dragging you down but it won’t. Almost over!

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thank you so much!! /warmly

i’m already checking out stuff for UMass, trying to get myself already hyped. I know I’ll genuinely fall in love with the place eventually, it’s the little bumps in the road sometimes. /chuckling

who knows, maybe BU will take me. if not, UMass it is. /musing

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I just got rejected from William and Mary! actually pretty much vibing while I wait to hear from USC later tonight. hanging out with my best friend anyways so time flies by. and in any case, I’ve realized UMass is a perfect fit, in a lot of ways, so I’m grateful to have that option. /thoughtful, musing, happily


I listen to the “Your College Bound Kid” a lot and they often say “love the school that loves you back.” :slight_smile:


UMass is a great school. With honors college and hopefully biotap it will feel a lot smaller too. It was high on my daughter’s list last year.

Did you classify your list into safety, target, reach, high reach yourself or did a counselor do it? I feel like the classification didn’t work out well.

Rejected from USC! Not upset about it. Hoping for better from BU and Wesleyan tomorrow! /happily


I did! I had 4 safeties, 3 target, and the rest were reach/high reach. I had my GC check it and an outside of school counselor check my list as well as parent input. Regardless, everything will work out! /warmly