Chance me for the schools I'm applying to [Equestrian going premed for rare diseases]

rejected from Wesleyan. hopefully next week i’ll be able to commit somewhere, after NYU, GWU, and Cornell + Harvard drop. -not that i’m getting into those places. but let’s see what next week holds. /sighing, (not upset but annoyed if anything)

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Hate to keep going back to this but why do Cornell, GW, and NYU matter?

A few messages ago you said your rate disease that few know about it but your specialists do.

So really only Harvard matters - correct me if I’m wrong. And the NEU appeal ? What’s their timing on getting back to you ?

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I guess we just want to hear from them, regardless. I’m just mentioning the decisions I have left to hear from. /shrugging

And yeah, technically speaking, Harvard is the closest of those. Not that i’ll get in. And as for the NEU appeal… well. groans I haven’t heard anything from them, but I plan to send an email and request a direct meeting with the AdCom or something akin to that, to fight and explain my case in the hopes of getting that transfer approved. (my parents and I were talking about it, this isn’t the exact plan, but something akin to this.) /thoughtful

I’m hoping NEU gives me that transfer, because Northeastern’s only 20ish minutes from where I live- much closer than UMass. But whatever the future holds for me, I know I’ll be happy! /warmly


You have been remarkably brave, forthright and resilient. Please don’t feel compelled or obligated to respond to other posters or persistently asked questions. You aren’t obligated to satisfy the curiosity of others.

Stay strong and while we are all pulling for you please try and spend some time away from college discussions this weekend. Go have some fun and or see friends😀

/Well intended trying to ease your stress level


thank you! i have a precalc quiz this monday that I should go study for, actually. thank you for reminding me! most of my friends are pretty busy, but I should start training for riding Nationals. I need to figure that out too. Anyways, I appreciate the reminder! /sheepish, then appreciatively

and a little thing- I’m grateful for the opportunities given to me, even with a slew of rejections. everyone’s path is different, and while my path in life has had more twists and turns than most, I try to make the best of it. literally two days ago i was crying over the phone with a few friends over BC. today I’m feeling better and I’m just… grateful for what I do have. We all have our own purpose- and I know what mine is. And as long as I keep to what I know to be true, I don’t think I’ll ever truly fail in life. After all, this isn’t a failure- just another lesson and another opportunity to count my blessings. /reflective

I’ll keep all of you updated! /warmly, happily


waitlisted at GWU. Huh… that was interesting. I won’t take up at a spot on the waitlist, but oh well. /shrugging

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Did you demonstrate a lot of interest ?

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nope, none at all. wasn’t even on my radar. but it all works out in the end. /shrugging

In the last CDS GW WL 6200 of 27k applicants. It’s a common outcome.

One will never know why they didn’t get in. Or why they do get in.

However, GW states DI matters so it might be the culprit here. Why I asked.


that’s fair. i also wasn’t going to go to DC in the first place, so yeah, I mean, it all worked out. I have 3 more schools left, and then it’s decision-making time. /thoughtful

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OP-- any college that has you on campus is lucky indeed. Your attitude is infectious!!!


thank you so so much! i look forward to revealing where I’m going ‘officially!’ -as soon as I hear from NEU and the others, at least. this has been such an incredible journey and i’m grateful for all of you on this thread following my journey. feels like a little family of sorts, in its’ own way. and trust me, i’ll have my own threads filled with updates and happenings. /happily

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above comment was in response to you, my computer was wonky with formatting. /chuckling

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rejected from NYU. 2 more decisions left and then, well. Then I’ll be able to figure out where I’m going. /not upset, just excited for the road ahead

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Sometimes the most unexpected roads are the ones that lead us to where we are meant to be. Excited for what experiences and adventures await you.


Another good quote I’ve heard is, sometimes your bad luck is actually your good luck.

Or, if you prefer, the Russian proverb: не было бы счастья, да несчастье помогло: there wouldn’t be happiness if misfortune hadn’t helped.


thank you, so much. That means a lot. I’ll definitely keep those words in mind. /warmly, grateful


These schools you’ve recently received decisions from have incredibly tough admission rates. I think it’s easy to believe if you apply to enough of them, you’re bound to get a few. I don’t think the odds work that way. I think it’s more like a roulette wheel that resets the odds every time.

There are some wonderful students at my son’s school going through the same thing - struggling to understand getting shut out or waitlisted from all their reach/high match schools.

Keep your positive attitude and know you still have great options in front of you.


Rejected from Cornell and Harvard!

I want to say a deep and heartfelt thank you to all of you on this thread. You all have joined me through such a long process, and I’m so grateful for all of you.

Y’all know I’m not committed yet, but I’m excited to officially reveal where I’m going within the next few weeks! /happily, reflective


Hoping you got some good news!!

/Hopeful but confident for you regardless

Crap was typing when you posted. Hang in there. You are awesome!!!