Chance me for the schools I'm applying to [Equestrian going premed for rare diseases]

I’m really happy because I just got an email about UMass Amherst’s iCONS program- and it looks so cool- I think I was invited to apply? Regardless they only select a small amount of kids for the program- so this looks wonderful! /excitedly


Congratulations on the info on iCONS! It sounds like a very interesting program. U. Mass is definitely trying to roll out the red carpet for you!

/Touched & excited

playful announcer voice in an interesting turn of events- returns to normal voice my parents and I spoke at length about the waitlists at GWU + Case, and I just submitted a form saying I would like to be on the waitlist for Case. GWU we’re still figuring out if we want to be on the waitlist or not. -the reasoning behind this is that we want to keep my options open, and if they do offer me a spot off the waitlist, we can figure out what works best.

Should they offer me a spot- we can try to see if physician care could be coordinated and we’d probably go visit Case. However, we’d have to talk at length about it. /reflective

We’re still waiting to hear from NEU, though. /softly, intrigued


Congratulations on having some great options to attend college. Based on everything I have read Case has historically had some movement on their waitlist. If you are serious about attending Case you might consider visiting the school and thinking about how you would handle your medical care ahead of the waitlist decision. Typically schools expect you commit quickly if offered a waitlist spot typically 48-72 hours. This is obviously totally your call. All the best as you make your decision.


Thank you! And yes, my parents and I will talk about traveling to Case should I be admitted. we’ll definitely talk about it extensively. /warmly, reflective

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So you are telling Northeastern that they need to admit you to the Boston campus for medical reasons, while simultaneously accepting a place on the waitlist at case western, 640 miles from Boston.


Look- we still haven’t heard from Northeastern, and we’re just trying to keep our options open… Case is 2h10min away via flight- and honestly, if it’s an option- we can try to utilize anything that seems like a good option. I know how it looks, trust me, I do- but UMass is still our most likely option since I doubt I will get off the waitlist. If I do get in off the waitlist, my parents and I will talk extensively before figuring out whether to say yes or no. /sighing, explaining calmly

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I’m not mad. If I was mad- it would be pretty easy to tell if I was. At most, I’m probably slightly miffed. I know how this looks, but I’ve spoken to my parents at length and Northeastern isn’t giving a response yet (after like 3+ weeks) so… I mean, this will all work out- that I have no doubt. We’re just trying to keep our options open. Plus, UMass is still the most likely option. But yeah, we just want to keep our options open. /calmly, thoughtful, musing

I think we should try to remember that OP is a kid. A kid who has been disappointed by some of her Massachusetts applications. I suspect she was unintentionally misled about her odds for many of the schools. I think people want to believe a compelling story will be evaluated on the same level as test scores, GPA, and rigor.

Let the process play out and wish OP the best.


Maybe I’m not in a place to comment, but I’m looking at this from a teen’s perspective. College admissions are stressful and competitive, and all applicants go in hoping for many options to choose from. While UMass Amherst with all the exclusive, special programs is such a good option and maybe likely for OP, I think it’s OK to explore other options and then deliberate later. Let’s support them (are these the right pronouns?)!


Thank you. I didn’t want to say anything, but I know this will all work out- regardless of where I attend. And I’m really grateful for everyone’s support here. /honestly, thankful


I use he/they, but it’s okay! /warmly


sorry - I guessed!

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you’re all good. I’m just here smiling like an idiot at all the support. I’m really grateful for everyone here. y’all are like a little family <3 /happily, no worries


I only wish OP the best and I’m glad she will have a somewhat local and fantastic option.

That is not the purpose of my post.

I was simply saying that OP continues to put out contradictory info.

Why would NEU consider a campus change if OP is able to attend a school outside the local area when that is the basis for appeal ?

I understand OP is a kid.

And if OP gets into CWRU or another out of area school and chooses to attend, I think it’s great and I wish her well

I’m just noting ( actually another noted first) that it’s contradictory so that’s going be noted - and not just here but by future bosses and others in life - not based on this situation but providing contradictory info in general. That’s a life learning.

We are all here to help op and hope that things work out the best for her.

It is also the case there is excellent medical centers in both Cleveland and GW. Perhaps op and their family are looking into the prospect of coordinating care with local doctors without sending them all the way across across the country. It’s worth noting that Oakland wasn’t something they selected but a location assigned to them by NE, a practice many students have complained about.


I agree but that is not what OP has stated time and time again and that is not the basis of the appeal which is I must be at the Boston campus where the specialists who know me are.

Anyway - it was noted - moving on and I wish OP well in what’s left to hear from and her final decision.

I think that situations change, things change. Heck, even UMass Amherst is quite far from my place (~2 1/2 hours per a family friend who goes there)- and because my options are limited- we’re trying the best we can. I’m not trying to be contradictory (if that makes sense)- but I do see where you’re coming from and I acknowledge that. Since we haven’t heard from NEU yet, we’re (aka me and my parents) are trying to figure out what other options we have in front of us (GWU/Case)- but I promise the NEU thing is in good faith. Otherwise… I mean, the future takes me where it does, and should I get into Case, I’ll talk to my folks extensively then. That being said, my eye is on UMass unless NEU or Case responds back. /thoughtful, thinking, reflective

(Also your local reminder that I use he/they pronouns /warmly)

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OP I will comment and give the same advice I would hope someone would offer my kids under circumstances…

  1. Stay strong, confident, resilient and willing to take risks. What you have shared with us so far suggests this won’t be a problem😀

  2. Be super proud of what you have achieved and appreciate how competitive you are for any and all schools applied too.

  3. Take full advantage of what ever is next. Kick but academically, focus on what you are curious and passionate about, and have fun.

  4. Keep clear of people who just want to be negative. Typically people who pick at scabs make them bleed. You don’t need them in your life.

Hope to hear your final decision but enjoy the ride.