Chance me for the schools I'm applying to [Equestrian going premed for rare diseases]

thank you so much! that’s really kind advice, and I appreciate it. I’m so excited for what the future holds and I’m really grateful for everyone here- I know I’ve said it a couple times, but you guys are all so sweet and supportive and thoughtful. I appreciate it. /warmly, happily


OP thanks for YOUR thumbs up on the previous flagged note !!

I wish you well - especially in health which is obviously the most important thing vs the school you attend!! You can have a wonderful experience wherever that is !!


I gave a thumbs up because I believe in giving grace and kindness to everyone. And I appreciate your well-wishes. /warmly


You are gracious and have class👍


thank you!! /warmly

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I don’t know your medical situation of course. But generally as long as you are in or close to a large city, medical care can be coordinated. So I see no harm in looking at other options.

BTW 2 hour flight is not the same thing as 2 hours by road. Door to door a 2 hour flight means 5 hours maybe.

Also UMass is a great option and it looks like they are giving you a lot of love.

Finally based on your results, I feel that your categorization of colleges was incorrect.

That’s fair! And yeah, I think in retrospect, I should’ve categorized the schools better. /sheepishly, warm

With your positive attitude, forgiving nature and strong credentials – you will find amazing opportunities and people wherever you end up. I appreciate your honest posts as they help remind us of this grueling process through the eyes of a teenager. Thank you for your transparency, openness, updates…you have a village rooting for you!


Thank you so, so much! You’re definitely right that there is an entire village here behind me- and I’m so touched by it. I never thought I’d have so many people here being so kind and supportive. I try to be as kind and forgiving and loving as I possibly can, because this world needs more people being a force for good in this world- and I plan to be one of them. /warmly, beaming


OP has some great options so it will all work out in the end


Once again, folks. We don’t know OP’s exact circumstances or medical needs. I don’t know why people seem to think that OP can get their medical needs met in any large city. You’d be surprised at some of the locations that are good or bad. OP and their parents will make this decision in consultation with their expert physicians.

Let’s just use one rare disease as an example:

The list of locations for expert researchers (note the cities that are missing):
Iowa City

OP, I’m glad that you have some options you feel good about. You have a wonderful attitude and perspective. All the best to you, and you will be successful wherever you go. Best of luck with your choices!


Thank you for your words. I appreciate the POV. /warmly


It’s NOT an issue to sign up for a wait list for a college that has offered you a wait list spot.

Make sure that you put down an enrollment deposit SOMEWHERE before 5/1. Do NOT count on the wait list spot turning into a “We now can admit you!”

Also, one other thing to keep in mind is housing…some colleges’ housing fills up quickly. So consider that as you wait on other results & are deciding where to attend.


Let’s say there is a kid on here who applied to NEU and was very disappointed that they were put on Oakland’s campus, and they are reading this thread… if OP is (rightfully or wrongly) asking for a medical switch, but continued to keep their applications in at schools that are very far away (and are considered top schools), it can most definitely feel a bit sketchy.

If I was OP’s parents, I would most definitely not feel comfortable asking for a medical accommodation while keeping far away (arguably more selective) schools on the table. But may be that’s just me.

No one lives or posts in a vacuum.

I say all of this with kindness and consideration. Life lessons are important—and this feels like it could be a good one.


Yes, I hope that if there is a kid in the future who applies to NEU and receives admissions to the Oakland campus, but has specialized medical needs that can’t be met in Oakland: that they find this thread useful.

NEU admissions is not filled with dum dums who can’t make an admissions appeal decision based on nuanced factors (including lots of medical documentation). They will simply deny the OP’s appeal if they want to. It is totally up to the AOs.

Case is “far away” but surrounded by hospitals. Perhaps a renowned expert in OP’s rare disease works at one of those. We. Don’t. Know.


No need for snarky sarcasm.

I wasn’t being snarky or sarcastic. Everything I said I mean sincerely.


It might behoove the parents on this thread to ask themselves “How would I feel about my kid’s college decision making if my kid had a rare, hard to diagnose and equally hard to treat condition”.

We spend HOURS on CC helping parents whose kids have a nut or dairy allergy, celiac, diabetes, ADD, bulimia, anxiety, navigate college admissions- when to talk to the nutritionist in Food Services; when to loop in the medical/mental health team, what accommodations are necessary and how to access them, what is the situation for getting a single, how are the common kitchen areas maintained to prevent cross contamination… etc. None of these conditions are hard to diagnose and are not that rare.

We can’t spend a little of our “parenting capital” to empathize with a family where it’s NOT as simple as “register with the disability office” or “try eating in the Kosher dining facility where you’ll be able to avoid dairy”???


Yikes. This was unnecessarily harsh.


We don’t. We just know the info that OP has provided that says otherwise. Again not here to debate this but this is why people raise questions.