Chance me for the schools I'm applying to [Equestrian going premed for rare diseases]

Oh, I’m sorry - I tried to refresh my memory about all the context, but I missed that - apologies!

you’re totally good! no worries! /warmly

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They’re still offered; I don’t know whether Covid and the attendant rise in health-related withdrawals have driven up premiums, though.

Also, if I understand correctly, these policies only pay if you withdraw altogether; they don’t help with situations where a student might prefer to light-load but remain enrolled.

But it’s still a very good point and absolutely wise to put in place, really for any student (admitting that I did not with my kids, but should have!) but especially when there’s a known risk of health issues.


I am so glad you are starting to love UMass! I have been reading this thread without commenting much, but I want to say how impressed I am with your ability to always be looking on the positive side of things! I think you will thrive at UMass, and as others have pointed out, it should set you up very well for med school.

Congrats on such a wonderful option!


I can’t remember the details now but I think you might be right although there might be other products that may have wider coverage.

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This post made my morning! /smiling over my coffee

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They are, purchased it for my son and it paid out, but it can’t be a pre-existing condition (I suspected mental health issues, I was right, but no diagnoses were made at the time).


awww thank you! y’all are so sweet, and this is definitely such a wonderful way to wake up and see such positivity. I try to stay on the positive side because you know, God will work it all out, so I see no point in moping over something I can instead turn into something wonderful. /happily


Also the NEU stuff is slowly moving along, I’ll give more info once I know more! /happily

okay so i did a thing. what’s the thing you did, you may ask? cough cough cough i wrote an appeal letter to BC because they never stated in my official letter that I couldn’t appeal… so I did. Also, it never hurts to try. Don’t sue me. /nervously, half-smiling, half-pls don’t kill me lmao I just wanted to try

also yes I spoke with my folks over this (we’d been talking about it for a solid week) /softly, sheepish

also yes i know i know most of you are like “WHOA PLOT TWIST” look i wanted to try so I did also I don’t know why I’m trying to justify myself here- /sheepishly

OP- you do you.

But I will tell you that in Behavioral Economics there is a phenomenon called “The Tyranny of Choice” (it has many other names as well). Think about walking into a Walmart to buy toothpaste- a pretty low stakes choice. If they have three aisles of toothpaste, more people walk out with zero toothpaste (it becomes too hard to choose- six flavors? Do I need whitening more than I need freshening? Do I like a foamy feel or a creamy feel?) than if there is ONE aisle of toothpaste with a well curated selection- several brands, a few types per brand, higher priced, mid priced and lower priced, but not 30 different price points because then it is too hard to compare).

Just a gentle a loving nudge. Sometimes having more choices makes it impossible to actually choose- especially in a high stakes decision like college, not a tube of toothpaste. And letting go is an important life skill which is going to serve you well 24/7 365 days a year.

Loving nudge.


I appreciate it, thank you. I just want to see, you know? But I really appreciate it. /warmly

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Northeastern update: firstly cue me screaming into a pillow (i’m okay just frustrated)

Secondly: We spoke to someone on-campus at the DRC (Disability Resource Center) today (it was rainy but decent out and the walk from the Visitor Center there was short but scenic)- and basically the game plan is to have my rare disease specialist write up the forms they sent us plus send a letter explaining my need to be in Boston. We’ve also expressed our interest in meeting with the Senior Director of DRC ASAP. Once all forms are sent from all my specialists/care team, the DRC will send a recommendation/opinion to the Admissions Committee on whether or not I should be transferred to Boston.

Here’s two different scenarios the DRC said could happen:

  1. I could be transferred to Boston for fall 2023, and then I can commit happily ever after.
  2. I could be pulled from Oakland, have my enrollment deferred for a year (so I would go to UMass for a year), and then be placed in Boston for fall 2024.
    or 3) No transfer to Boston.
    /softly, sighing, also yes I am fed up at this point with Northeastern

(Also my folks recommended staying at home the first year at Northeastern if their (NEU’s) biggest issue bringing me over to Boston is the housing crisis… I quite liked the idea. /softly, musing)

UMass is still my personal top given all the love they’re showing me, but Northeastern Boston would just be more feasible (distance to home/med care) if it happened. /softly, explaining

I’ll continue to keep everyone updated! (Whatever happens w/BC happens, I’m more curious if anything.) /happily, honestly

Maybe #2 would be the best outcome. Then you could “commit happily” to UMass and give it a fair chance, but also have the sophomore transfer to NU in your back pocket if you decide to go that route.


Yeah, my only concern is that I have an extremely hard time adjusting to change like that, when I’ve just gotten settled. #2 really wouldn’t be too welcomed but I’d take it, if it came down to it. /sighing, slightly embarrassed


You should go to UMASS.


I appreciate the advice! We’ll wait to hear from NEU to make a final decision. /warmly

Do you really want to live at home your first year in college? Some people do - the living in a dorm situation isn’t for everyone.

But if you have always envisioned that immersive college experience, you might want to carefully consider what you are trading.


I do want the immersive college experience, 100%, but I’m willing to make the tradeoff if absolutely necessary. Also, homecooked meals. The only downside? I’m stuck with my middle school aged little brother for another year. But we’ll see how it plays out. /honestly, chuckling

hi, I’ve been following your college process for a while, and it sounds like you have a tough decision! Here’s some food for thought from a fellow senior:
If both colleges allowed you to live on campus, barring medical needs, and you had to decide based on a 50/50 coin flip, would you be disappointed if it landed on UMASS? You can even try this with a real coin and see how you feel! Assign heads to umass and tails to neu, and see if you’re disappointed when it lands on one.
I used to make decisions this way when I wanted to go by my gut feeling, so maybe it’ll be interesting? I’m totally aware that medical needs don’t care about feelings, but being able to see yourself in a school is also important. /curious
Personally, I would go UMASS all the way but it’s not my choice! /playful