Chance me for the schools I'm applying to [Equestrian going premed for rare diseases]

The food at umass is better than home cooked. The honors dorms are very nice, plus you might be able to get a single there, if your medical conditions warrant it. The office of disability services there is excellent. The head MD at student health is also excellent. Most importantly, with your trouble with math, i am very afraid that you will crash and burn in the highly competitive atmosphere at NEU. You would be competing with people who already got a 5 on AP Calc BC, and 800 or 36 on math, who are taking college calc as a premed req.

The college admissions policy is not a jane austen novel, where the heroine successfully snares her intended mate and walks happily off into the sunset. Your goal is not acceptance to the most prestigious college possible; it is to build a record that will get you into med school. You have been accepted into every prestigious supportive program that umass offers. Hoping to get off the waitlist for case western (while simultaneously telling NEU that you have to stay in Boston for medical reasons) is not your best path to med school. Neither is delaying college, or living at home. Go visit umass now, see the honors campus, eat in the dining hall, meet with some Biotap students, meet with the disability office. I think you and your parents will ve very surprised at what you can get there, for 50k a year less than at NEU or Case Western.


Been following along- happy for the successes!!
This is a great point, and great advice. You might be playing with fire.

My thoughts-- so many people would be thrilled to have the chance to go to UMASS-A , as you do. Don’t lose sight of that. The school has so much to offer and seems like a no-brainer great fit + a relative bargain. You have a long and expensive road ahead of you.

You mentioned the convenience of being in Boston for medical reasons… but with Boston city traffic sometimes, it could still take 2+ hours to get across town to see a doctor even if you are at NEU. The drive from AmherstMA shouldn’t be too much of a deterrent. It’s not terrible.


Hey! I saw your graduated results post so I’ve seen your journey too and thanks for sharing the advice! /happily, grateful

I will try the coin flip, see what happens, and let you know! /now i’m intrigued

I have fallen in love with UMass, but NEU is still on the table for now. I’m sure everything will work out. /happily

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I appreciate your words! My parents are more concerned with prestige… and proximity to home. One of which I don’t quite agree with, and the other I understand why. Their idea is state school <<< NEU, which… UMass has shown me so much love versus NEU that I’m just… waiting for NEU’s response to finally figure out where I’m going. They also feel like given it’s “more prestigious”, it’ll have better opportunities and resources, which isn’t totally wrong, but, you know. It feels like a no-brainer to me, as well, to go to UMass Amherst. I’m slowly falling in love with the school so much, and NEU treats their school as a business, so it’s a bit of a turn-off for me. /softly, sighing

Also, update: NEU FinAid said “lmao btw your aid package’s not gonna come til next week” even though I called them two weeks ago saying “where the heck is my financial aid?” since I never originally got my financial aid package when I got accepted- and that was due to them thinking we needed to give them 2 documents we didn’t even have (and that’s what the call 2 weeks ago was for.) /arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh

If NEU pulls through and drops me in for Boston 2023, I will gladly take it, but they better show me love from then onwards… but if it doesn’t pan out, I think I’ll be perfectly content at UMass Amherst in the Honors College + BioTAP, even if it’s far from home- I’ll figure it out with y’all and my folks when we cross that bridge. /softly

For now, I’m just trying to hold my patience as things take their (annoyingly) due time- I think you guys can tell I just want to be over with this part of the process by now! /softly, admittedly, chuckling

I’ll continue updating everyone. /warmly

Oh yeah, and I’m [going to] riding Nationals this (okay, regionals, but a guy can hope) bound for this summer. 2 regional shows (this is because my states points carry over from summer 2021, since I was Top 10 in my division, so I already qualify for regionals) and 2 national shows (…let’s hope I make top 10 in at least one class to go, but fingers crossed.) All my trainer has to do is help me sign up and make sure I’m registered for the eligible classes I qualify for. /happily


The NEU financial aid thing would be really irritating to me! They need to get their act together. I mean, after today, there’s 12 calendar days until 5/1! Let’s go, people!

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Thank you! Yeah, I had to scream in a pillow after finding out. It’s irritating. /glad you agree

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Not gonna lie, NEU kinda worries me for you. If it takes them so long to get you financial aid and news about transfer, how do you think they will respond if you have questions or requests about accommodations, dorms, interpreters, etc.? It sounds like UMASS would bend over backwards for you (for good reason!), but NEU isn’t looking good on that front. Is the presiege and location worth discomfort if it comes down to that? /softly, concerned (am I doing tone indicators right?)


You’re using tone indicators perfectly! It warms my heart when people use them correctly because it helps me so much in distinguishing tone over text. /happily, warmly

Yeah…NEU worries me, too. I don’t know, and a large part of this decision lies with my parents, not just myself. Although I know they’d always choose NEU over UMass, I would pick UMass if NEU is going to continue like this. /sighing

I’m still falling in love with UMass, which is honestly good in my book- I’d rather go there than NEU at this point, but all doors are open until they’re closed. /softly thoughtful


I’m sorry for all the frustration as you deal with Northeastern and differing opinions from family members who you love and that are paying for your education.
/Sincere and understanding

In a different thread someone said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them.” I think that holds true for both Northeastern and UMass. makes some excellent points. If Northeastern, during its courting phase, is treating you so shabbily, then what reason is there to think that things would be better once you enroll? From my perspective, it seems that NEU believes that since there are thousands of students on its waitlist who would jump at the opportunity to join them, it doesn’t matter how it treats its students, because it can always get someone to replace them.
/Earnest and getting angry while thinking about how NEU’s decisions appear

In contrast, UMass is doing everything right, showing you every possible attention, and sending you lots of love. From your comments, it seems as though you realize this, but perhaps your parents don’t. I would urge you to follow @parentologist’s suggestion and take your family to UMass. Let them hear the honors college (and honors students) talk and see what opportunities you’re being offered with Biotap. Swing by the equestrian center and see where you’d be riding. More importantly, let your parents see how happy you would be at UMass.

99.9% of parents want what will make their child happy. Many parents believe that going to the highest prestige/ranking institution is what will end up making their child happy. But if your parents see you on campus coming alive with excitement and anticipation at all the opportunities that UMass is presenting to you, then I think that they could definitely be swayed to support your decision (and not just resignedly because no “prestige” name was available). There’s a parent in the 2023 thread whose kid was accepted to an arguably more “prestigious” school but that wasn’t showing her kid any love but the kid was planning to attend anyway. Then the kid went to Alabama and felt all the love and is ecstatic at the idea of committing to Bama and the parent is overjoyed. If you show that kind of sincere and honest joy at the idea of U. Mass, and let your parents see that, I think that everyone may start to see things the same way.

/Earnest and hopeful and almost wishing I could see an ecstatic you touring UMass with an expression of parental joy and dawning understanding on your family’s faces


I saw you typing and immediately lit up! AustenNut, your respones are always wonderful! /warmly

I’m extremely privileged that my parents will pay for my entire college tuition, even at sticker price, no questions asked, while paying for my little brother’s private school tuition (which is 50k/yr). /shyly, honest, grateful

I am planning to reach out to the Eq coach and see if I can sit in on a show or lesson or potentially go ride or hack with the team! /happily, thank you for reminding me

I have asked my dad (because he’s the one who drives me when Mom’s busy) but he is adamant on not visiting until I’m committed… which… you know what, it’s okay. I can wait until I’m committed, although I would love to visit again. /softly, sighing

Also, I know the thread you’re talking about! /warmly

as for the quote underneath, it’s touching that y’all are so supportive and rooting for me. It makes me so happy, knowing this thread is becoming a little family. And don’t think I won’t tag you guys in my thread when it comes time for med school applications. /warmly, happily


Update: NEU gave me aid. It’s literally nothing, just 3,500k a year. So the COA is $77k a year. /sighing

That’s not really surprising if your parent can afford full pay plus your brother’s tuition.

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They can’t afford full pay- that’s why we applied for financial aid. They’re also trying to apply for FinAid at my brother’s school. Realistically we could afford half of that, but like, I also know my parents won’t hesitate regardless of price, to send me to NEU. /sighing, but also grateful

? If they can’t afford it, how will they not “hesitate” to send you to NEU regardless of price?

I’m having trouble following the narrative now. I thought you were excited about U Mass; the only thing that could sway that was a better financial deal from NEU AND Boston not West Coast.

So you got a commitment for Boston but not enough money???


Unfortunately, the college (not just NU) decides what you can afford based on the financial information you provide. The financial aid is not like merit aid. It’s based on a formula and is impersonal.

If your parents have told you they are willing to pay full price because they like the prestige of NE, the school is probably seeing that ability too.


Honestly, my parents tell me to not worry about finances every time I bring it up, and the most I’ll get is “we make ends meet comfortably but still need aid.” I apologize if the narrative doesn’t seem clear! /sheepish, nervous

As for where the aid is for, it wasn’t specified. Admissions hasn’t said anything yet about the transfer situation since last we heard, so my best guess is that this aid is for Oakland. /softly, sheepish, thoughtful

My heart still lies with UMass, don’t worry! /happily

You don’t need to be nervous or sheepish. You haven’t done anything wrong. You, and maybe your parents, just seem to have some misconceptions about admissions and financial aid.

If it’s truly financial aid, they are only looking at your finances. What a school thinks someone can afford and what students and parents think they can afford are usually not the same. The school doesn’t factor in when your parents want to retire, what your equestrian activities cost, how much savings you are willing to sacrifice. Those are things parents and students need to consider.

You had mentioned before wanting NE to show you more love than they are showing you now. I think, and it’s just my opinion, that you need to let go of that notion. Most schools do not woo students who are not top athletes or very distinguished scholars (and NE is rumored to waitlist those anyway :rofl:). Northeastern doesn’t need to show love to anyone. There are tons of kids on the waitlist.

I’m not trying to discourage you from pursuing the transfer, but they aren’t going to fall all over themselves to make it happen and make you feel welcome. I don’t think they are going to do that for anyone. Understand that this is very personal for you, but for admissions, they are working through 90k applicants.

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I appreciate the words of wisdom. As much as I’d like to let NEU go, even I quite like how close it is to home and the other benefits it has for me. My parents are all-in for NEU, and UMass… not so much. I’m sure things will work out perfectly, and this will all pass. Fingers crossed we get more clarity on the NEU transfer situation. Before I know it, I’ll be planning my dorm, starting classes, and starting a new chapter of my life. It’ll all work out, I know it. /softly, thoughtful, upbeat

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I’m not saying give up on northeastern. That decision is going to be made for you one way or another very soon. I’m saying let go of the notion that they are going to show you the love UMass has shown you.

If they let you transfer, it will be somewhat begrudgingly. Again, it isn’t personal. I doubt they want to set any precedent of doing this. They want their decisions to be final because otherwise, with all their alternative admissions, they will be inundated with requests from everyone who was accepted to a campus other than Boston.

I know your parents are concerned with prestige and opportunities, but that only matters if you are very academically successful at that school. I would guess that most students admitted to any STEM major at Northeastern will be getting A’s in AP Calc senior year. You would be starting already a little behind the curve.


Ah. Yeah, that makes sense. It does make sense that NEU won’t show a ton of love to me. /thoughtful

I did just get my rare disease specialist to fill out the forms NEU’s requesting to make the decision for the transfer, though, so we’ll see what happens soon enough. /happily

And regardless of where I go, be it UMass or Northeastern, I know I’ll be happy. And I think that’s what matters. /happily, thoughtful