Chance me for the schools I'm applying to [Equestrian going premed for rare diseases]

Oh, thank you! That’s really helpful to know :slight_smile:

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Updating this thread with more news!

EA, USC (USoCal)- Deferred (continuing to RD)
EA, UNC Chapel Hill- Rejected
EA, Northeastern- ACCEPTED!! On their Oakland campus.


So in sum, so far:

Accepted to:
UMass Honors

So three great acceptances…

And still waiting for RD decisions on Case and USC. Either of those would just be a cherry on top of a fabulous sundae.


I’m waiting to hear from my dream school, BC (Boston College) this Thurs/Fri, so if I get in there, I’d be elated. And from my list at the very very top of this thread, I still have a long way to go if BC doesn’t accept me.



UVM is quite a comely campus – I just looked at a bunch of photos. Outdoor opportunities would be outstanding, if you’re into that sort of thing.

UMass Honors – you’d be able to take courses at the other Five Colleges, which would be quite nice.

Northeastern – you’d have their great co-op system at your disposal, and the city of Boston to experience.

**BC I did ED2 to

The co-op isn’t needed too much since I already have a dream job, but Northeastern’s other amazing resources and campuses are definitely part of what made it my 2nd choice.

UMass Honors is also definitely high on my list!

As for UVM- cold + me = nope. So it’s tallied off my list.


How does Oakland work ? That’s the former Mills College. Do you apply for that campus specifically or they offer as an alternative ? Is there a chance to move from Boston from there ?

I said no to all other campuses apart from Boston as I live IN boston, but they put me on the Oakland campus. I can transfer after a semester or a year at Oakland, so yes, I plan on moving if committed. However, I’m still waiting to hear back from BC ED2 and other schools in my regular pile, so let’s see.

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Excellent news!

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Deferred from Boston College ED2, but it’s good cause I get to hear from my RD schools. Here’s to the future!


Sorry about the deferral, but yay for having choices! :upside_down_face:

Hoping for more acceptances in RD for you!


Thank you! Looking forward to the months ahead!

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Update: trying to get a transfer to the NEU Boston campus on medical grounds. Basically, I have a rare disease and my care team can only give me treatment in Boston so I’ll write to the AdCom that I need to be transferred to the Boston campus because of that. (and yes, this is all true.)


I would get documentation before asking - from your medical professionals - so that you can submit an entire package.


It never hurts to try, particularly with documentation. I’m a bit confused though because you applied to several schools on the west coast.


Yes, this is odd. What if you get into USC, for example? LA is as far from Boston as Oakland is…(Actually probably slightly farther.)

Congratulations on your acceptances thus far. UMass Amherst Honors College has a lovely newer campus within the college’s beautiful larger campus, with great newer dorms. The food is excellent. Lots of research opportunities. Short walk to cute little college town of Amherst. If you want to keep riding, probably easier to do at UMass, since it’s in a somewhat rural area. BTW, the head of student health, Dr. Corey, is an amazing internal medicine doctor, would probably become your primary MD there.


Given this info, why would you apply to several schools that are not in MA?

It’s also possible that there may have been a change in @premed_equestrian’s medical status or treatment options.