Chance me for the schools I'm applying to [Equestrian going premed for rare diseases]

That’s what we plan to do!

Partially because we wanted to see our chances but also have backups in case I didn’t get in anywhere- and at that point I would’ve talked with my folks on how to move forward with my treatment.

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Not exactly, but also, yes?

Good luck with the transfer appeal. Be prepared to answer why being in Northern California wouldn’t work, as presumably there are specialists there who could work in tandem with your physicians to maintain your current level of care.

Thank you. My rare disease… well, it’s rare to say the least, and the doctor I see is the expert in this condition and they only would be able to treat me in Boston, hence why we’re trying to appeal.

Done correctly, I have a feeling that your appeal would be successful. The sooner you make the appeal, the better, since they’re going to have to add you to the early admitted roster for the Boston campus, for planning purposes. The fact that you applied to schools all over the country brings into doubt the sincerity of your claim that you need to stay in Boston for treatment, but of course, Northeastern has no way of knowing that.

You would probably need to submit a letter from the physician managing your treatment, stating that it could be detrimental to your health to move away from your care team. I don’t know that they would be willing to do that, since it’s probably just not true. The reality is that virtually any medical condition, including rare syndromes, could be managed in the Bay area. It is a major metropolis with excellent hospitals and medical schools, plus it has a major children’s hospital, assuming that your condition is congenital. Truly, they can handle the interim management of just about anything there, and you could still be seen by your team in Boston during your visits home, for planning purposes and maintenance/workup purposes. Any necessary care during the semester surely could be carried out in the Bay area.

But hey, if you prefer Boston to Oakland for Northeastern, and who could blame you if you do, go for it.


So if you trying need to be in Boston then try NEU but there are other colleges in or near Boston that you can still gain entry.

They may not have the cachet you’d like but if health is at stake, that seems a small trade off.

You can’t have it both ways - need to be in Boston but hoping for CWRU, USC and having applied to UNC.

You have to answer to yourself - what is it you really want ?

You said you wrote no to all NEU campuses and I can appreciate that. But again you applied to UNC, USC, CWRU and maybe I’m missing some.

So maybe you should be applying to Suffolk or others in the MA, NH, RI area.


Yes, we’re planning to make the appeal today. Hopefully it all goes well, if we execute it correctly. And I do plan to loop my specialist in the email thread to the NEU appeal.

I mean, granted, even if I got into CWRU, USC, and any other OOS school, it would be a long shot before I considered it- given my need for being in-state. But we applied to cast shots to a wide variety of schools to see how it would pan out.

At this point, all my apps are done and sent in. I’m waiting to see where the cards fall.

Fair but if you truly need to be in Boston you may strike out.

Your logic just presented makes zero sense to me - casting a wide net.

Why would anyone apply to an array of schools from your very first email that according to what you are saying now, that you could never possibly attend.

Unless UMASS is close enough, you can very well strike out - and then what ?

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My braincells aren’t quite functioning so my logic may be flawed (I’m multitasking atm).

UMass is decently close to the point where yes, I could come in to my doctor’s for a weekend appointment or such, so that is on my list right now.

I would spend your time away from CC and enjoy your senior year while following the advice of those that know you and your situation best such as parents, GCs and doctors.

We are all absolutely pulling for you!! With that said anyone advising you without a complete understanding of your circumstances is giving you bad advice.

You have had some impressive results and are still waiting on several situations. Please enjoy the moment, feel confident in your future and trust the advice of those that love you and know you the best.

Stay strong!!

/Caring and heart felt


you’re literally so sweet, thank you!! that made my day.

I have a Harvard interview today, so hopefully it goes well!


That’s near Boston right😀

Yes, although mine is over Zoom even though I’m in/live in the area!

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All behavior makes sense in context, and the context here is that although excellent medical care for virtually any condition is easily obtained in almost any major metropolitan area in the US, the Boston campus of Northeastern is much more desirable right now than the Mills Oakland campus, for most students. Northeastern just absorbed Mills college in Oakland in an attempt to expand their highly successful “brand” to the Bay area, but students are not likely to want to start there as of yet since it’s so new and doesn’t have the full function of the Boston campus. They’re offering “Congratulations, you got into Northeastern… but you have to start at the Mills campus in the Bay area for the first one or two semesters, and then you can transfer to the Boston campus.” It’s akin to the acceptances where the applicant is required to take the first semester on an abroad program, but possibly even less attractive, since the student doesn’t get the abroad experience. Honestly, the real attraction of the Mills campus to Northeastern’s community is the dorm access to the Bay area during internships/co-ops, and of course the value of the real estate, similar to UMass Amherst’s motivation for acquiring the Mount Ida campus - so that its students would have a place to stay while doing internships in Boston.

So, while one can certainly understand the OP’s motivation, the back story doesn’t fit, for obvious reasons. I think that the admissions committee is likely to know exactly what’s going on, even without knowing that the OP has applied to schools all over the country, and yet, especially if there is any kind of letter from their MD implying that moving away from Boston would put their health at risk in even the slightest way, they’re very likely to approve the OP’s request to start at the Boston campus.


Sorry, what exactly do you mean by the backstory doesn’t fit?

I applied to many schools to see where the cards would fall, and I applied to the Boston-area schools that I liked- in total there’s 7.

I mean, what I’m saying is true. I’m sharing what I’m sharing, and I don’t know what else to say…

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If you absolutely have to be in Boston for medical reasons, you would only apply to Boston schools. Or perhaps schools where you had a doctor and planned lined up to deal with your specific medical issues. If any of those outside of Boston schools offer you admission, and Northeastern doesn’t let you change, will you turn them down?

I really hope this works out for you, but it seems you are desperate to be on the Boston Northeastern campus and you are searching for a way to make that happen. I would be surprised if they let you change. As harsh at it sounds, I think you need to look at it as you were denied admission to the Boston campus. You were offered an alternative. If they just denied you without offering Oakland, would you be able to change their decision?

It’s absolutely worth a shot, and nobody here can say what will happen. I think you need to seriously consider the schools where you were offered admission. Fall in love at least a little. If Northeastern reconsiders, great. If not, you will not be back at square one.


I’ll just hop in to defend the OP. Most importantly, I think we don’t know the whole story. I suspect the vast majority of us (as well as myself) don’t know what it’s like to need treatment for a super rare disease, and most of us also wouldn’t necessarily know what the treatment options are for a given rare disease (if there’s a rare-disease specialist in the thread, you are the exception).

Second, OP may have been overly optimistic when compiling their list. Lots of people are overly optimistic on finances and thus apply to colleges they couldn’t attend even if they were accepted. Another possibility is that OP genuinely was curious if they could get in. I applied to two schools with an acceptance rate below 50%, and I’ve definitely wondered if I could have gotten in to others. I didn’t bother to apply just to see, but I did think about it (and yes, I recognize that that isn’t an efficient way to go about the application process).

Finally, none of us will ultimately affect whether the appeal works. While OP was “denied from the boston campus”, they weren’t denied from the umbrella NEU brand, and therefore have at least a small chance IMO (though I’m just a random student on the internet, so my opinion’s probably not worth much lol). And if OP could go elsewhere for college, I highly doubt their licensed, specialist medical providers would lie or even stretch the truth for OP’s appeal. So if their doctors say they need to be in Boston, I think NEU will at least understand that OP needs to be in Boston, even if they still say “no, OP can’t be in NEU Boston”.


freakin love you and you know who you are. they’ve said what I wanted to say but didn’t have the energy to. if you need an answer- their response is it <3