Chance me for the schools I'm applying to [Equestrian going premed for rare diseases]

That’s good to know! thank you. /warmly

Wow, 1.5 pounds! Have you thought about having a picture of you now with part of your story being sent to the hospital where you were born? Or just to general NICUs? It could be a really great source of hope for families whose kids are facing a steep climb from birth.

/Shocked, inspired, & curious

Best of luck to you with the remainder of the college decisions. With your attitude, I’m confident that you will do well no matter where you land. Will you be able to continue your horseback riding at all of them?

/Confident & curious

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That’s a really cool idea! I’ll bring it up to my parents. But yeah, I was incredibly tiny at birth and I fought so hard to be where I am now. (Thanks, parents, you did a good job.) /intrigued, thankful

I would hope so! I should be able to stay in-state given my health issues, and my barn isn’t super far from the Boston-area schools- although I’m gonna have to start driving myself to and from in college… /thoughtful, then laughing at the end

Even when I’m in college, I’ll stick around here to give advice and hope to others. Even if y’all don’t actually know me, I want to lift others up and help them reach their dreams, too. /sheepishly, honest


Better yet, make an appointment to go visit in April or May the NICU where you received care, and show the nurses and doctors how well you’ve grown up, and your college acceptances, maybe bring them coffee and donuts and just talk with them. It is very motivating for the NICU staff to see what is possible with the long-shot micro preemies. A visit from a former micro preemie patient who has then done so well, grown up to have a fulfilling life, gives them hope for the future of the ones they’re working to save right now.


Totally agree. And I bet they’d tell your story to parents going through similar issues with their newborns and it would give them too a feeling of great hope and possibility for the future.


I will absolutely see if I can over break!! this is so heartwarming to read! i’ll definitely look into it. /happily


that’s what i want to do, spread hope and positivity even when things seem impossible- hence my career choice. /warmly


Update: Heard back with an informal response from NEU Oakland admissions! They said this:

I wanted to let you know that I have shared your request with my colleagues and it is currently under review.

Fingers crossed, guys! (Also I got my Northeastern accepted student package today!) /excitedly


Thanks for the update! Interested to hear what decision they end up making. Were you able to get a statement of support from your physician?



Not yet, but we can provide that if they ask for that. They also said they’d get back to me with an official response asap, so I’m hoping I can get transferred! /hopeful

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Since you’re requesting a transfer to the Boston campus due to medical need, do you intend to withdraw your applications to schools outside the Greater Boston area?

This kind of question drives me nuts, I have to say. Because, it is none of our business, and the answer is not necessary in order to give the OP advice.


Pardon, but the last time I checked… it’s none of your business? i mean this in the nicest way possible, but please- what I intend to do with my applications is my own business and between myself, my parents + siblings, and the schools. Unless you’re one of them, I would think to maybe find a better question to ask? Also, gonna quote Ron Weasley again for a little humor: “You’ve got to sort out your priorities, mate!” /this is the nicest possible way and i’m not trying to be mean

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100/10 for this response. my dog also approves. /half-serious, half-playful


This is an ethics issue. Medicine, and medical research, are fields that require rigorous ethics. To represent to one school that one has a medical issue that mandates admission to the more desirable campus in order to stay at one’s medical home, while at the same time continuing applications to other schools just as distant as the school’s less desirable campus, is not transparent or ethical. It would be one thing if one were to request the transfer for convenience, while disclosing that one had applications pending at many remotely located schools. It’s quite another, under the circumstances, to now request a transfer based upon medical necessity, when this medical necessity did not, and continues to not, shape one’s college application process.

When the results of one’s medical research don’t pan out, don’t give the desired results, don’t support one’s thesis, this is the kind of ethical contortion that leads one to twist the results, or simply bury them. When an error is made in patient care, this is the kind of ethical contortion that leads to non-disclosure. Many a medical career has been torpedoed by such ethical contortion, not to mention the harm to patients.

I strongly urge you to disclose to Northeastern that this transfer request is not absolutely medically necessary, but would certainly be of convenience for continuity of care (no small benefit), and that you have not limited your college applications process to the Greater Boston area. That would be the ethical thing to do. You never know - they might very well appreciate your forthrightness, and grant you admission to the Boston campus, anyway.

Wishing you the best of luck in your applications and your future career.


Consider this a lesson. If you disclose your situation and plans on a public forum seeking advice and input, you are likely to get some you do not agree with. That was on you for announcing your plans, and if they are ethically dubious, yes, you should expect to get judged. Everyone has a right to an opinion on a public chat you created.


at the time of me planning my college applications, I did not take into consideration that I needed to be at home for medical reasons as well (yes, that is on me.) that being said, i’ll keep your advice in mind. /defeated


thanks for reminding me. /sighing (non-condescending, just tired)

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As I have written on other threads, we cannot hope to have every detail of a poster’s situation, can’t know the nuances etc. Accordingly, if a situation is at all gray – as this, at worst, is to me --I think it behooves us to NOT be judgemental. Certainly, point out pros and cons, or considerations that perhaps a poster has not thought of, but I vote less judgement. We just can’t make an accurate judgement! Teenagers usually have adults in their real life: patents, guidance counselors etc who are FAR better placed to advise the OP.

OP please don’t feel defeated because of a couple of strangers on the internet.



I just have no energy anymore to keep explaining the nuances and complexities of this- and honestly, if y’all want to judge me, go ahead. I’m done explaining. I’ve requested a mod to close this thread because I don’t want any arguments or heavy judging. We’re all just people trying to get through a bizarre process, and the least anyone in this thread could do is show support.

/utterly defeated and just done with this conversation