Chance me for the schools I'm applying to [Equestrian going premed for rare diseases]

I’m not trying to attack OP. As a mom, as a high school teacher, as someone who has watched many teens get their hearts broken by disappointment, I’m simply encouraging her to seriously consider the options she has in front of her. Certainly try to get Northeastern to work out, but understand it isn’t even close to a sure thing.

I’m rooting for her to succeed as is everyone else. And that may means she gets to Northeastern, but it may mean accepting a different outcome that what she had originally envisioned. There are less than three months until college commitments are due. I think she should spend some of that time seriously considering her other options so if NEU doesn’t come through, she has a school that she has fully explored and can see herself attending.

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I appreciate what you’ve said, for sure. I’m not disregarding anything any of you have said. UMass Amherst Honors College is still a good possibility for me. I’m still waiting to hear from the majority of the schools I’ve applied to, but I am considering the options in front of me, Northeastern included.


I’ve had 3 kids apply to UMASS Amherst, all got in with the highest merit, none got into the honors college, 33/34 act, 3.9 UGPA, 7/9 AP classes. Same with Rutgers, but they got into honors everywhere else they applied.

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I’m already admitted to the Honors College at UMass Amherst- I think that was stated a little bit above in the thread, but it’s definitely a good possibility.


That’s great! I hear great things about it.

What I mean is that a person who needed to stay in Boston for medical care for a longstanding congenital syndrome wouldn’t have applied only a couple of months ago to a broad swath of highly selective schools all across the country, including the Pacific coast. You list having applied to twenty schools, only four of which are in Boston. Some of them are a plane ride away. To then appeal to Northeastern on the basis of needing to stay in Boston for medical care, when clearly one is willing to go anywhere in the country (otherwise why apply to schools as far as 3000 miles away), doesn’t fit.


Can we PLEASE stop beating this dead horse?

Can we also, all of us, accept that we do not have all the facts, don’t know the full story, or are privy to all the nuances in OP’s situation?

Accordingly literally no one on this thread can issue any definite pronouncements.

My pronouncement is not directed towards the op, but to adults who should know better, and I can be quite definite about that.


Thank you for this. I lost energy trying to justify myself here. I’ll keep y’all updated. <3


and, the only person who has the actual info and personally knows me is @your_dog - that was my brother, so he’s the only one who has definite knowledge. As to the adults in the thread beating the dead horse, per se… please, stop. If you have enough free time to be nitpicking at an 18 year old’s medical history and why I chose to apply to the schools i did… I would be rethinking my priorities, in the words of Ron Weasley. I say this with no malice, but purely out of sheer exhaustion.


I hope the Harvard interview went well!!


I botched it (even though historically I do very well with interviews) due to some circumstances, but I followed up with an email… so let’s see.

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Sorry to hear and hopefully you are just being hard on yourself. Typically alumni interviews don’t dictate results so please don’t loose any sleep. You are putting enough pressure on yourself.


I appreciate that. I’ll bear that in mind.

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I agree with @Catcherinthetoast. You are being hard on yourself… as is often typical of highly accomplished kids such as you. Short of saying, “I only applied to Harvard because my parents made me. I much prefer Yale.” :wink: :wink: I’m sure you are just fine.

/hoping to lift your spirits


thank you so much for that!! i think after all the badgering in this thread it definitely made me feel really defeated (which is stupid since none of y’all know me with the exception of my brother who posted here once). And some of y’all remembering the tone indicators thing makes me smile SO HARD.

-which reminds me, even if it’s constructive criticism, if y’all can’t say at least one encouraging or nice thing, then don’t say it at all. In the words of Bambi.

<33 /grateful and also chiding


You are not the only one seeking to transfer from one of NEU’s far-flung outposts to its main campus , so I expect all such decisions will be held until June when the school has a sense of its yield on Boston-admits. Nevertheless, you are already admitted to one school near your preferred location and one reach school near excellent medical services, so you have good choices. It appears you did not ED2 anywhere, and you are generally aware of RD admit rates at the remaining schools


I actually did ED2 to BC, and got deferred.

For people like me who need a refresher on the thread…

Thanks @Catcherinthetoast and @DramaMama2021 for remembering and to @premed_equestrian for the reminder!

/Forgetful, grateful

I love what a positive attitude you’ve had on the decisions you’ve received on your college applications and appreciate all of your updates. It’s always so nice when students come back and let us know how the college application process is going.

You have some great acceptances in hand, congratulations! Which other schools are you waiting to hear from?

/Thankful & curious


So this may be what you’re doing, but definitely don’t loop your specialist into the email thread unless you have spoken to them AND they have agreed. You need to speak with your specialist, get a letter documenting the facts you state (that you must be in Boston), and attach it to your email. No doctor wants to be quoted as saying something that is not true, and presenting that you cannot receive treatment any other place in the country before you verified it with the doctor could cause issues with your admission and your physician. The doctor could easily respond to the email thread saying what you say is not true.

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Just opened this at the end of the school day and it made me smile so hard. Thank you. /appreciative, happily

As for the schools I"m waiting to hear from:

Deferrals: CWRU, USC, Boston College.

other RD schools: Middlebury, NYU, BU, Wesleyan, Amherst College, Williams College, Tufts, Cornell, Harvard, GWU, UWash at Seattle. /explanatory

I’m so eager to hear from these schools and have this process wrap up. It’s been an incredible (and exhausting journey) and as much grief as I’ve given my parents (and others), I’m looking forward to the future I have planned for myself.

Honestly, it’s a bit emotional for me to go to college since the doctors told me at birth I wasn’t going to make it. (I was 680 GRAMS at birth and had a low chance of survival)- and yet, here I am. It’s monumental to say the least, and I’m incredibly grateful to everyone who’s pushed me to get this far.

I’ll keep you guys updated as always. Stay safe and take care of yourselves. /reflective, warmly