Chance me for top CS schools!

I did end up applying and getting the scholarship offer. My original list was created at the very early stages of the application process. Since then, many schools were added to the list as I began to research!

@GoBears2023 very well written and thought out response about the educational system. Your true calling might not be STEM as a CEO, but maybe as a president/chancellor of a university.

I have honestly considered heading an educational institution, although I don’t know how exactly I would get there. At the helm of a university, I would be able to shift the focus from academics to exploring, which would give students a lot more opportunities to grow academically and socially.

I see, I stand corrected.

But note that, for an existing university, the job may have more to do with managing bureaucracy, dealing with fiscal crises, and fighting pushback against even small changes to the way things were always done.

Also, the increasing financial pressures on students and families are pushing them in more pre-professional directions, resulting in less market appeal for less pre-professional college study at non elite colleges. So an alternative model may be more viable as a special program or division at an existing college (e.g. UCSB CCS) instead of a standalone college (e.g. Hampshire).

Sounds good! Yeah, now thinking about it, as a president, it would be mostly administrative stuff rather than making changes :frowning:

Wait so can you make a list of what colleges you applied to, accepted to, rejected to, etc? I’m so confused by this thread and I don’t wanna read all of the 9 pages.

Got it!

Accepted: USC (Scholarship for trustee’s), Yale (likely call), Purdue, UIUC, UC Berkeley (Regent’s and Chancellor’s)
Deferred: GaTech
Rejected: Cornell

I don’t usually say things like this, but what would a college see wrong with you in order to reject you? Your grades, scores, and extracurriculars are all pristine, and you seem like someone really capable of real self-reflection. You’re basically every college’s dream applicant. I’m still confused why Cornell would reject you, and congrats on Yale and Cal!

Thanks @DieLit!

Honestly, the college process is just like the lottery. Once you break the threshold, its just based on luck on where to go. Although I am really bummed out about not going to Cornell, it did have some benefits. Now at least I can see how far I can go in the college process. I’m right now 5/7, which isn’t bad at all!

At this point, I wouldn’t really worry too much. I mean, you got in Yale and Berkeley, and I would be perfectly content with that.

I think one reason why colleges might have denied you was because you were “too” good. Looking at your EC list and grades, I think colleges might have felt a like you were “expanding” your EC list and stretching the truth a bit. I mean, I believe you and all, but to colleges starting a business, volunteering at a shelter, starting a hundred thousand dollar company, and being Olympiad qualifiers might have raised a red flag…

@nomansland Very true. Although I wasn’t able to put everything down due to the constraints of the Common App. I mean I can see that happening honestly. It’s fine. I’ll just have to go with it.


Based on the answers that are online, I believe that I will have a 130+ score on the AMC12A and a 140+ score on the AMC12B. LOL guessing all C’s at the end paid off. I’ll make another run for USAMO but I don’t think I’ll have the time to make it to MOP. I am very happy with my results and look forward to the AIME round! Super excited :smiley:

(hope I am not hijacking the thread but since you brought up the AMC tests :)…)

^^about #133
How about those C’s at the end :)…wish I guessed this time - C is my fav guess answer but I didn’t. I was really hoping to make it to USAMO and didn’t take any chances. I think I am 120/108 in A/B. Thought B is slightly harder. May not make it to USAMO after all - lets see - want to do well in AIME though. Good luck in AIME/USAMO.

(sending a pm with a specific question)

You will get into most of the schools if you write good essays.

@hs2020kid Answered your question. The Cs at the end were gods gifts ngl. I was able to solve 1 - 20 but had like 20 minutes left. In the end, I solved 23,24, and then guessed C for 21,22,and 25.

Thanks @websensation !

@GoBears2023 in what year were you a Siemens semifinalist and in what year as well as competitive event were you a FBLA winner?

@Maltamilkbone Telling you would be giving out a lot of info that could track to me. I don’t feel comfortable sharing. Sorry. If you need help with anything, I would be more than willing to help!