Chance me for top CS schools!


No Stanford Likely Letter. That’s fine. Looking forward to March!

Got UCI acceptance. Zot! Zot! Zot!

Screw Stanford. As I’ve said on many threads, they should be the ones that should be investigated for Asian discrimination and not Harvard. It’s pretty much impossible to overcome the three strikes that is germane to Stanford - Asian, male, and in STEM. You pretty much have to be out of state, an athlete or a legacy to get in. And just in case you think it’s a Cal vs Stanford thingy, full disclosure, my wife works there.


Stanford is just weird. Maybe they’ll send a letter later? Who knows :smiley:

I’m not really sad about not getting a letter. It would be nice but I don’t really need one. Quick question, is pacific islander considered asian? On some forms it is but on other forms its considered “URM” so I don’t really know.

As for your wife, how’s the household during the Big Game :smiley:

@ProfessorPlum168 this hasn’t been my very limited experience with Standford. DS’s GF is Asian and has a very Asian name, she is no athlete or legacy. Not sure how they considered her residency because she lived in CA through 10th grade and moved to TX due to her father’s work for 11th and 12th. She’s a typical STEM kid, robiotics team, comp sci club… Maybe the OOS thing plays into it or because she’s female but our TX public high school sends 2-4 kids to Standford a year… personally I thought being full pay may have played into it. BTW, her parents told her not to apply as it was a waste of time and an app fee because “she’d never get it in” Boy were they glad to be wrong!

@3scoutsmom - I know a few female Asian STEM, don’t know a single male one in the last 4 years from California except for a swimmer.

My kid’s HS is close by to Stanford, less than a 30 minute drive. Out of the top 100 students, probably 98 are Asian. 9 NMF, 13 went to Ivies, CMU and MIT; 40 went to Berkeley. 0 got admitted to Stanford. Similar ratios the year before.

@GoBears2023 wife is not into sports at all; I’m a diehard Norte Dame fan. The only time she thinks about Stanford football is when the game screws up her Saturday commute from work lol.




Just curious @ProfessorPlum168 what high school does your kid attend? I grew up in the area as well (went to Lynbrook).

@hgrad2010 the other Asian area with all the high rated schools.

Stanford’s process isn’t weird. It’s extraordinarily competitive. More than stats and ECs. And geo diversity matters, on the whole.

How can you be so sure it’s not weird? Would you have known that Harvard’s admissions was weird before the lawsuit?


Very true. We will never know the inner workings :frowning:


I forgot to post this but I was rejected from UT Austin for CS. :expressionless:

On another note … I got a likely letter to a school. I will release the school name later on in the process though.

Based on the schools you’ve gotten into, you should have got in everywhere so far. That’s just the nature/unpredictability of admissions these days though. When you go for the Berkeley Regents interview, would you please tell them you’ll accept if they hire a new basketball coach?

And tell them that you will remain at Cal as long as Justin Wilcox is not hired at USC.

@youcee Interview is on March 7th! LOL I will tell them to hire a new basketball coach.

@Hamurtle It may actually be good if Justin Wilcox moves. The Bears really need a better coach.

No, prof plum, I dont think H is weird, either. There’s a pattern to what S or H want. Refining the final admits by geo diversity or other institutional needs isn’t what I’d call weird. They know what they’re doing.

When you have guidance counselors saying that the 3 Big strikes against applicants is being Asian, male, and STEM, they are talking about Stanford.
