Chance me for UC schools!

Hello all! Please chance me for all UC’s except for UCSD,UCM,UCD

ALL Activities and Leadership Roles and Positions In Clubs and Organizations:

Founder and President of Christian Club for 11th and 12th Grade
President and Founder of Self-made Clothes Drive 2015-Present : Gathering up to 600 pieces of clothing from friends, family, and church for homeless in the community in 2015
Student Leader of Organization of Demolay 10th and 11th Grade: The Organization of Demolay’s goal is to enroll students into volunteerism. As a leader, I work in volunteer events and interact with other youth leaders.
College Club Member
CSF Member Since 10th Grade

Awards and Honors:

Principal Distinction Award: Given to me all semesters for getting at least a 3.5 every semester
Presidential Volunteer Medal(x2):This award was given to me for having over 400 hours of certified volunteer time. The President’s Council on Volunteerism was the organization.
School Recognition Award: This award was for outstanding efforts for Fall 2015. This award was very selective, as each teacher could only pick one student to present this award too.

Church and Youth Group Activities:

First Presbyterian Church of Granada Hills: Been a Member since 9th grade, and became a Middle School Youth Leader/Advisor in 11th and 12th grade. The program is an outreach for middle schoolers to come and feel included. My responsibility as a youth leader includes cleaning, and interacting with students.

Community Service:

First Presbyterian Church of Granada Hills:(Worked 45 weeks for 4 hours every week every year for 11th and 12th grade) My responsibility as a youth leader includes cleaning, and interacting with students.
Midnight Mission of LA:(Worked 2 hours per week for 4 weeks in 12th grade)Midnight Mission of LA is a non-profit organization who feed and shelter local homeless. My duties include cooking meals, serving dishes, and washing dishes.
Hope of the Valley Volunteer:(Worked 2 hours per week for 5 weeks every year in 10th and 11th grade) Hope of the Valley is a organization that strives to help the homeless in the community. My participation includes jobs like cooking,cleaning,and serving food.
The Organization of Demolay: (Worked 3 hours per week for 8 weeks every year in 10th and 11th grade)These are the volunteer hours for the Organization of Demolay, which includes: Homeless Relief Programs, Shoe Cleaning, Fundraisers, and Child ID service.
Masons of California Child ID:(Worked 2 hours per week for 3 weeks every year in 11th grade) The Masons arrange a station where parents can scan their children’s fingerprints, for emergencies. My job is to take fingerprints and images of the children.

About 450 Hours of community service

Work Experience:

EQUL Entertainment Internship:(Worked 3 hours per week for 15 weeks in 12th grade)In this Internship, my job is to work cooperatively with other employees to design promotional flyers and logos, and edit digital video media.

SAT Scores:

Oct 7: Math:480 English:540 Essay: 16
Dec 2: Math: 530 English:590 Essay: 15


4.1 UC weighted

Sociology Major

Basically I’m a good student and have good community service but not that good of an SAT score. You can see here the admitted freshman profiles for fall 2017 and see how you match up.

It sounds like you have a pretty good shot to me, you’ve achieved a lot and have a good GPA. I wouldn’t worry about getting in to some. UCLA and UCB are longshots for everyone, but I wouldn’t let that discourage you.

Do you have any safety schools?

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19:

UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%

25th - 75th percentiles for SAT:

UCB: 1280-1490

UCLA: 1280-1500
UCSD: 1250-1470
UCSB: 1210- 1450
UCD: 1190-1430
UCI: 1190-1420
UCSC: 1170-1380
UCR: 1090-1310
UCM: 1020-1230

UCLA/UCB: High Reach due to low SAT scores
UCSB: Low Reach
UCI: High Match-Low Reach
UCSC: Match-High Match
UCR: Match

what is college club?
You have a solid UC GPA, but low SAT, also great extracurriculars
UCB: reach
UCLA: reach
UCSB: low reach
UCI: high match/ somewhat low reach
UCSC: match
UCR: low match
Good luck!

UCB and UCLA are a reach… UCSB and UCI could go either way UCR and /UCSC are likely to accept you.

Got into:


Thank you!