Chance me for UCD Honor, UCD regular, UCB for Statistics Major

Race: Asian
Place: California Residency
High School GPA: unweight 3.85
GPA of each year: first year: ELD(low level) student promote to ELD (high level), overall gpa 3.87
second year: got surgery cause I absent many times, but overall gpa 3.3 with AP Chinese
third year: no ap and honor because of the surgery, but overall gpa 4.0
last year: will be 4.05 with AP Statistics
Class: No honor, AP Chinese and AP statistics -----my school does not offer many AP/Honor course, and I have surgery in my sophomore year absent few months cause me miss the round for elect to honor or ap course in junior year
Leadership: Badminton captain and manager
Coumminty hour: 40 hour (just met the requirement)
Job Expercise: a job about tax return and helping people find jobs, and a job is teacher assistant promoted to paid job by the teacher
Recommendation letter: one from my coach, one from my ta teacher.
SAT: 1030
ACT: not planning to take
Rank: my school not have ranking, but I assume i will be around 35 out of 110
Reward: elected become top student in my high school when I was a ELD freshman (only 30 people get it per year)

Average SAT score for UCD was 1320 last year.
Average SAT score for UCB was 1470 last year.

You would have to really bump up your test scores to have any chance at either school at the moment. Your GPA looks good, along with some leadership in your EC’s.

Regarding UCD Honors, you need to be invited to the Honors college so there is no way to chance an applicant.

UCD does not accept LOR’s and for UCB you are invited to submit so not a given.

You need to do some test prep and retake the SAT or consider the ACT.

Best of luck.