Chance me for UCLA, UCSB, UCSD

Rank: 12/177 TOP 6.7%
GPA: 4.672
SAT: 1350
ACT: 29 Writing: 11/12
Hooks: First Generation Low Income AP and Honors courses throughout High school AP Chem, AP Physics 1 and 2, APUSH (4), AP Lang (4), AP Stats, AP Calc AB

Intended Major: Anthropology, Economics, Social Sciences

Honors And Awards

Questbridge College Prep Scholar

Dartmouth Bound

Finalist at FBLA Nationals 2019

Future Business Leaders of America Business Achievement Awards: Future, Business, and Leader a level

Music Doing Good Scholarship Recipient

Nominated and Finalist for Honors Performance Series Orchestra for High Schoolers at Carnegie Hall

Recieved Superior and excellent ratings at Texas solo and ensemble contest for three years straight

Second Place for The Future Business Leaders of America Texas State Leadership Conference Battle of the Chapters -Third Place for Business Law at The Future Business Leaders of America Area Five Competition

Second Place for Website Development at The Future Business Leaders of America Area Five Competition

Leadership Our school limits to only 2 officer positions per year -Superintendent’s Student Advisory Council: A select group of five students from school to help the superintendent of the district make decisions and act as the voice for the student body. 2018-2019 School year 2019-2020 School year

Future Business Leaders of America Historian 2018-2019 school year

Class of 2020 Officer (Historian): Managed, promoted, and planned all class events. Managed the class funds as well as represent the class body.
2018-2019 school year 2019-2020 school year

U.S Asian Diversity Inc. Ambassador 2019- Ongoing

Activities and Experience

Job at a tea shop approximately 18 hours a week

Honors Performance Series International High School Orchestra Selective International Orchestra for High Schoolers. Gathered with selected high schoolers from all around the world and played a concert with the symphony orchestra as a violinist at Carnegie Hall with conductor and music professor Steven D Davis from the University of Missouri- Kansas City’s Conservatory of Music and Dance. February 2019

Mu Alpha Theta Honor Society Also known as the MATH Honor Society. 2018- Ongoing

Volunteer at the Woman’s Hospital of Texas: Approximately 216 Hours/ 12 Hours Per Week. Worked with Registered Nurses and the Secretary in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit and Post Partum Unit. Summer 2018

National Student Leadership Conference for Healthcare and Medicine at Harvard Medical School Summer 2018

CHI St. Luke’s Medical Mentorship Program: Shadowed Surgeons and Doctors and Scrubbed into Surgeries Summer 2018

Future Business Leaders of America: Participated in District and State Level Competitions. August 2016- on-going

Student Council: attended district meetings and helped plan school events and promote community service projects. August 2016- Ongoing

Alief Kerr High School Orchestra: Violinist. Member of the philharmonic orchestra (second highest ) during freshman and sophomore year, Member of the Cambiata Orchestra (highest) during Junior. Participated in Regional and State Solo and Ensemble events and UIL Concert and Sight Reading Contests. Participated in District Honor Orchestra for all three consecutive years of high school. August 2016- Ongoing

Alief Kerr High School Broadcasting Network: Anchor and Crew Member

Kerr PALS: Mentor and tutor elementary kids every Wednesday 2018- Ongoing

Baylor College of Medicine Saturday Morning Science Program 2018- Ongoing

Quill and Scroll National Honor Society 2018-Ongoing

UC Capped weighted, Fully Weighted GPA and Unweighted?

CA resident?

SAT/ACT is a bit low for UCLA which should always be considered a Reach.

UCSB will appreciate your great EC’s so probably a High Match.

UCSD will also be a High Match/Low Reach.

2019 UC capped weighted GPA averages:
UCLA: 4.25
UCSD: 4.23
UCSB: 4.16

2019 Data:
25th - 75th percentiles for SAT totals:

UCLA: 1330-1550
UCSD: 1300-1520
UCSB: 1280-1520

25th - 75th percentiles for ACT composite + language arts
UCLA: 29-35
UCSD: 26-34
UCSB: 26-34

Best of luck.

Out of state. From Texas!

UC’s do not offer financial aid for Out of State applicants so you are looking at $65K/year to attend and if you are low income, not worth applying since they will be unaffordable.

It looks like you have been working hard and acting strategically during your high school years. I hope you can take in and absorb all of your achievements. With a resume like yours, seek out schools that will offer merit and meet all financial need. Looks like you are looking at Dartmouth.The UCs will not meet your financial need. Luckily, there are other great Colleges and universities. What other schools appeal to you?

@meganhoang2 . . . I know a lot of you from Texas want to attend a UC, and you do have a good shot at UCSB and UCSD, but I don’t think you have much of a chance at UCLA. The median SAT at UCLA for all students is 1,410-1,420 (unsuperscored), but the median for out-of-state students is higher than this range by a decent amount, and the median for Internationals is highest.

Edited b/c no embedded links are allowed: Anyway, here’s a link . . . . . .

to the source schools which supply freshmen to UC and to the specific UC campuses. You’ll have to pick the sub-groupings according to what applies to you: domestic non-resident, the campus for which you hold interest, etc. You could possibly find your school here, maybe a little like naviance, with UC gpa of applicants, accepted students, etc, in the fifth tab from the left. I’m assuming you have a 3.9+ uwgpa which would put you in the ballpark for UCLA, but, again, your scores are a bit low.

If you’re low income, California isn’t going to happen, sorry. It’s triple the tuition of Texas with virtually no financial aid. The cost of living alone would be more than you could afford. There are plenty of affordable schools in Texas.

@meganhoang2 . . . I’m sorry, I rushed through my post #5 yesterday.

Let me put some qualifiers around a statement from that post: “The median SAT at UCLA for all students is 1,410-1,420 (unsuperscored).”

This applied to the enrolled frosh class of 2022 at the University, and as related to you, two years prior. In short micro-snapshots – i.e., year to year – the scores might go down, but for snapshots inclusive, of say, five years and above, UCLA’s stats will have gone up for the enrolled.

With respect to coolguy40’s statement in #6 . . . that would be true. But looking at your ECs, I would probably guess – I could be entirely offbase – that you (your parents) don’t have a funding problem, or you have less of one. Then again, students from Denton and Round Rock seem to like UC especially much, and correct me if I’m wrong, those cities seem to be pretty middle class. Perhaps the school system in both of them are especially award-winning and perhaps students there qualify for those incredible scholarships that do predominant if not all-inclusive funding.

The answer if the scenario does arise that your parents can’t do significant self-funding, that you are indeed low-income, is to cast a wide net for scholarships that are not UC-related as some do who attend, say, UCLA who are from out of state. If they don’t come through, then x-out the UCs from your list. But the AZ schools could be options also.

As for your ECs, they are incredible! There will be a UC that will accept you maybe both SD and SB, so apply if you haven’t already sent your app, be inclusive of UCI and Davis, though Davis being NorCal isn’t what you’re seeking. Maybe UCLA would consider you based on your involvement.

Best of luck.