Chance me for UC's

Hello! My first choice for college is University of the Pacific (Pre-Pharmacy Program) and I’m hoping to see which UC’s could be backups. If I do not get into UOP, I would choose between pursuing the computer science path and pharmacy path. They both interest me, but the biggest drawback to pursuing pharmacy is having to transfer to a pharmacy school after I get my bachelor’s in a UC. If I do choose pharmacy, I think I’d major in a biological science, preferably Physiology. Please help me choose between the computer science and physiology major depending on how likely I’ll be accepted into the following UC’s: UCB, UCLA, UCSD, UC Davis, and UC Irvine.


SAT I (out of 2400): 2000
Critical Reading: 600
Math: 680
Writing: 720
SAT II: Taking Math II in October (Trying to aim for >750)

Unweighted GPA: 3.85
Weighted GPA: ~4.11
AP’s I have taken: AP Chemistry, AP Physics 2, AP Lang (score: 4), AP Calc AB (score: 5)
Senior Course Load: AP Calc BC, AP Lit, AP Gov, AP Human Geo, Yearbook, Econ, Intro to Computer Science
8 AP’s total

Rank: 22/559 (Top 4%)


Sciencepalooza Galileo Award (2nd Place) (Science Fair)


MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement) Program (9th Grade)
Swimming (9th Grade) (I had to quit because of an ankle problem)
Vice President of K-Pop Club (Active all 4 years), performed for school and outside events, I devote an average of 10 hours every week for 25-30 weeks every year (I also want to write about K-pop in one of the personal insight essays but would colleges look down on this topic? I am very passionate about K-pop since it has had a huge impact on my high school career)
Interact and Key Club (Active all 4 years), 100+ hours of community service total

Other Info:

California/Bay Area Resident
Asian Female

Post capped weighted and fully weighted

Both capped weighted and fully weighted: 4.10

UCI and possibly UCD would be your best bet as “backup” schools. UCLA/UCB and UCSD are tough admits and should never be considered as solid Match schools let alone backups. Definitely apply to all for the best chances. Physiology would be a slightly easier admit than CS.