Chance me for UC's?

I applied to UCLA, UCB, UCSD, UCSB, UCD, and UCI. What are my chances? I applied as an undeclared major.

GPA UW: 3.75
Weighted: 4.58

Sophomore Year:
Chemistry Honors (A/A)
AP European History (B+/B+)
English Honors (A/A)
Spanish 2(B+/B+)
Art 1 (A/A)
AP Calc AB (A/A)

Junior Year:
AP Biology (B/A)
AP Physics 1 (B/A)
AP Calculus BC (A/A)
AP US History (A/A)
Literature Honors (A/A)
AP Statistics (A/A)

ACT: 36 composite

SAT Subject Tests:
Math Level 2: 780
Biology: 760

EC’s and Volunteering:
Speech and Debate for 4 years (fundraising and secretary)
Asian Student Union for 3 (secretary, president)
CSF ( 4 years)
Red Cross 4 years (publicist)
Tutored as a job during junior year
Started a programming club junior year (president)
Started a speech and debate program at a nearby middle school and helped them write cases and compete at tournaments
Volunteered at a museum on weekends (30-40 hours?)
Tutored for volunteering 10th and 11th

Also chance me for Cornell, NYU, Cal Poly SLU, USC, Reed College, UW, UT Austin?

My senior year schedule is:
AP Chemistry
AP Literature
AP Spanish Lang & Composition
AP Psychology
Integral Calculus @ community college nearby


Post capped weighted and Fully Weighted

Capped weighted: 4.09
Fully Weighted: 4.58

You sound extremely competitive for all of those schools. I think all top 25 schools are a bit of a crapshoot though, nothing is guaranteed. What major did you apply to Cal Poly under?

UCLA/UCB are always tough admits and you have the stats to be competitive. Good luck and I am sure you will have several UC options come spring. I think SLO will be a Match.

Good Luck.

You’re competitive for All UCs IMO
Match-High Match: UCLA,UCSD,UCB (Although you have only a 4.09 UC GPA, your ACT compenstates)
Safety: The rest of the UC System
Cornell- Reach (All Ivys are Reaches)
NYU- What school are you applying to? This matters a lot. For example Stern has like a 9% acceptance rate while LSP has a 43% acceptance rate.
Cal Poly SLO- Match
USC- Match Your GPA is about the average UW GPA, but again your ACT is in the 99th percentile so I can safely say USC’s a match.
Reed College- Match/Safety
UW- Safety
UT Austin- High Match (B/C OOS I assume)

By your school list it seems you are planning on doing something pertaining to business. (Assuming Business because of UW, UT Austin, NYU, Cornell UCLA, UCB etc. having well known business programs)
Hopefully you submitted your semester 1 senior year grades, as that is the transcript colleges are going to look at (And hopefully you did well lol)

@mileywhatsgoos not that it matters much, but non-UC schools generally look at Freshman year grades as well. Assuming you did as well frosh year as soph you will be competitive for most schools. But, as you know, most of the schools you applied for are competitive. You’ll get into a couple of UC’s for sure as (if) you didn’t apply to specifically impacted/oversubscribed programs. I would be very surprised if you did not get into NYU or UW (Seattle? StL is a bit more challenging but you would still be competitive), also surprised if you didn’t get into USC/Dornsife (CA, Annenberg, Viterbi slightly different animals.)

My bigger question, seeing how different your choices are (Reed + NYU are pretty much opposite ends of the spectrum for almost everything except competitiveness.) is what you’re looking for in a college. You’re going to have choices, you (or your folks or both) are going to drop some decent coin. I’d do as much thinking now about what your think you want your college experience to be and try to find something that matches that.

In broad strokes you have:
USC, NYU, UCLA, UCSD (UCI) - all big and urban (or UCI “urban-sprawl-ish” and UCSD “really nice urban beach suburb-ish”)
UWash, UT Austin - Big school - smaller city/urban
Cornell, CalPoly, UCB, UCD - Big school, small city/town/college town
Reed - small school/urban-ish

And, assuming you’re a Cali kid (NoCal? SoCal? Middle?) Cornell, NYU will have most “cultural” and weather difference (and will have the most and most expensive travel. Getting to Cornell from some CA towns can be a really pain), followed by UT Austin for culture, UWash/Reed for weather.

Also, the programs vary at those schools quite a bit, depending on what you want to study.

As I’m sure you will have choices, and as all of those schools will provide you with tons of opportunities, I’d suggest really thinking on what you want your next 4 years - and the route your education takes you on - to look like. You can always change it down the road!

I do think Ithaca and SLO have a similar college town feel.

@CaliDad2020 Haha you’re right, a lot of the colleges I applied for are on opposite ends of the spectrum. I’m a NoCal kid, so naturally I applied to all the UC’s and the other good colleges here. I applied to Reed bc well, I love Oregon. Lived there till I was 6 and my mom attended Reed, so I thought that’d be nice. Personally, the urban setting sounds far more appealing to me right now, but I feel like a smaller city or college town will be more practical in the next four years. I really hope I get into UCLA, Berkeley, UCSD, or UCD, but UCLA and Berkeley seem unlikely to me. I think my UW GPA is too low for a lot of these schools, and I don’t know if my ACT score can compensate for it enough.

@Gumbymom I really hope I get into UCLA or UCB! If my UW GPA was like a 3.8 I wouldn’t even be that worried right now, but I feel like 3.75 is too low for almost all these schools?

@Jack1212 Thank you! And yes, I did do well for senior (all A’s so my GPA was a 5.0). Unfortunately, this wont count towards my cumulative GPA so it wont really help :confused:

@socalmom007 I Applied to Cal Poly under a comp sci major. It’s extremely competitive so idk if I’ll get in though

Yeah, computer science at CP SLO has under a 10% acceptance rate. You’ll still be very competitive there.

@mileywhatsgoos it is really hard to predict. UCLA and UCB in particular are just over-applied these days. My guess (just a guess) is you will get into UCSD and UCD if you didn’t apply to any impacted/heavily subscribed programs. Also a guess: you’ll get into NYU, USC/Dornsife, Reed, UWash (if you didn’t apply to an impacted/heavily subscribed program), I don’t know enough about UT admissions or about Cal Poly for CS. Cornell will heavily depend on your essays and recs, I’d guess, as your stats are fine, but they also get a lot of apps in your range. Would not be shocked if you got in, or if you didn’t.

So if I were you the questions I’d be asking myself and my parents:
If I get into a UC and a private, can we (and should we) pay the difference to go to a private/OOS State school?


@mileywhatsgoos are you male or female? did you apply CS major in school of engineering or letters & science? Those factors can make a big difference.