Chance me for UCs

UW GPA: 3.93
WGPA: ~4.04+
Rigor: just one AP (senior yr) although my school offers like 10. I know, I messed up…
EC: 264 hours of community service, no clubs or sports
30 ACT (2 times) 1950 old sat 1410 new

Income: ~14k
Extenuating circumstances (worked at parents restaurant bc couldn’t afford employees. No time for rigorous AP studying or clubs and sports)
first generation student

also no aps bc was in academy related to medicine, couldn’t switch my academy courses for AP ones (had to take English with certain class and teacher - etc)



Intended major?

Do you have any safety schools on your list?

@Gumbymom sorry my UC gpa was 4.04 (will be higher bc i got a 4.0 this semester) and im mostly undeclared/school of science. My school doesn’t do weighted and doesn’t rank.

safeties: SDSU (accepted) CPSLO (accepted)

Senior year grades are not included in the UC GPA calculation.

UCI/UCD and UCSB are very possible. I think UCSD will be tough due to a lack of HS course rigor.

Good luck and you have some options with SDSU and SLO so far.

@Gumbymom thank you :slight_smile: have a nice night