Chance me for UCs

UC GPA: 3.8(my gpa is bad due to me being lazy,unmotivated, and having ADD but I have a slight upward trend)
Math II:800
Us History:750

For extracurriculars, I’ve been in a Youth Orchestra for 4 years and have gotten Presidential Service Awards (100 hrs+)
I have done Taekwondo for 3 years
I was a part of my school’s STEM club for 2 years

President volunteer service award(mentioned above)
USAMO qualifier
USPHO silver

For my essays I wrote about helping someone mentally disabled from my school. It is pretty good for the most part, except it may have been a little too verbose.

My teacher recs were decent, both of the teachers who wrote them liked me and said that I was one of their best students they had ever taught.

I am an Asian male from Southern California with poor middle class parents

your GPA is pretty low for most UC’,
but your test scores and acheievements make up for most of it
Hopefully, you explained your grades on essays
good luck!

UCR and UCM are your best shot. UCSC is also worth an ap. I’d also apply to SDSU and, depending what you are looking for in your college experience, perhaps Sonoma and Chico.

Good luck.

Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 3.80-4.19(capped weighted);
UCB: 14%
UCLA: 14%
UCSD: 44%
UCSB: 54%
UCD: 58%
UCI: 65%
UCSC: 85%
UCR: 94%
UCM: 96%

Mid-tier UC’s are possible but your best best option may be UCSC. Apply and see what happens.

Best of luck.

Is there any chance of LA or Berkeley or is it unrealistic?

There is always a chance especially if you wrote some compelling essays. UCLA/UCB should be considered a Reach regardless. Your test scores, EC’s and awards show that you are a very capable applicant so you can never predict how your decisions will turn out.