Chance me for UCs!

<p>permanent resident
uc gpa 3.55
sat 1650 i just took october test i think i improved at least 100pts
sat2s korean800 math2c 640
low income</p>

<p>varsity tennis4yrs
mentoring public school 200+hrs
church community service 200+hrs
what are my chances for the schools above?:[</p>

I forgot to add one of senior class so i sent mail to each UCs
After 3days... i saw that i didnt put one of a-g class in freshmen yr T.T
am i screwed already? ...:[</p>

<p>UCLA - reach
UCSD - reach
UCSB - reach/slight reach
UCI - reach/slight reach
UCD - reach/slight reach
UCR - match
UCSC match</p>

<p>Yeah making mistakes on your app is probably not going to sit well, but then again, your stats are already at the really low end for the middle tier UCs and above.</p>

how should i write the letter?
I dont know how i should start…</p>

<p>OH my new SAT score is 1800
500CR 690M 610W</p>

<p>Its too late to write the letter if you mean essays</p>

<p>i meant the classes in 9th grade
and in 12th grade
i forgot to add one of each class</p>

<p>Probably get in everywhere but UCLA and UCSD</p>