Chance me for UM

<p>Female in Florida</p>

<p>Race: Black</p>

<p>UW: 3.47 (upwards trend)
W: 4.4</p>

Math: 670
Reading: 650
Writing: 640
(taking again, and taking ACT)</p>

<p>APs: APush, AP Gov, AP Micro Econ, AP Macro Econ, AP Govt, AP Psych, AP Human Geo</p>

<p>College courses: English 1101 and 1102, General Sociology</p>

President of Psychology Honor Society (secretary junior year)
Secretary of Student Gov
Event Coordinator for Student Anti-Genocide Coalition (STAND)
Member of NHS
Member of Model UN
Psychology Club
Ran track during 9th, 10th, and 11th grade
Cross Country during 10
Outside of school Soccer during 9th and 10th</p>

<p>Please and thanks</p>

<p>Really good chance, be sure and apply EA before Nov 1 for maximum consideration</p>

<p>I would say a VERY good chance.</p>

<p>For whatever reasons, I don’t think that there are that many african americans out there with SAT scores as good as yours, so you are likely to be an attractive candidate.</p>

<p>But even if you weren’t african american, you would still have a pretty good shot.</p>

<p>And while your unweighted gpa is a bit low, your weighted gpa is good.</p>

<p>Plus, you ran track.</p>

<p>Overall, a very good, solid, consistent record of accomplishment.</p>

<p>How did you do on your actual AP tests??? It would be good if you passed most of them.</p>

<p>That would be additional evidence that you are UM material.</p>

<p>My son is probably applying also, but nonetheless, I hope you get in.</p>

<p>Thanks, I’ve only taken APush and AP Psych so far, and I got a 3 and a 5.</p>


<p>That’s good. A “3”, and a “5” provides additional proof that you can do the work at Miami. Given the “5” in psychology, and the fact that your ECs that are related to psychology, I would perhaps say that I wanted to major in psychology. The ECs and the AP grade would tend to reinforce each other.</p>