Chance me for USC..

<p>i am a hispanic from TN and will be a senior</p>

<p>i have a 3.82 gpa UW (my school doesnt weight)</p>

<p>ACT COMP: 28, without studying but will retake. I will also take the SAT subject tests.</p>

<p>i have taken honors classes every year of highschool. I am also in the AVID program for the past three years ( my highschool freshman year didnt have it)</p>

<p>i took AP us history this year and got a 3 on the test, but my school doesnt offer too many ap classes.</p>

<p>I am interested in Majoring in either Finance/Management/International Business and minoring in Entreprenuership. I will be attending the LEAD america conference on Global Business and Entreprenuership. This year i will also be in the VIrtual Enterprise International business simulation class, along with taking a dual enrollment college class.</p>

<p>EC: (kinda weak)
1 year of football
4 years of wrestling (lettered 2 soon to be 3 years, captain jr and senior year)
1 year of Cross country
student advisory board-soon to be 2 years
I will be joing FBLA and 4-H life links this year
i am also treasurer for my senior class this year</p>

<p>Comm SErvice:
between 50-75 so far</p>

<p>I will be self studying for AP macroecomics this year and am considering starting a self study club for AP classes our school doesnt offer (which is many lol)</p>

academic awards i cant recall right now for some reason and medals from tournaments in wrestling</p>

<p>ask me for anything else and i am also open to college suggestions</p>

<p>Reach, higher test scores may help you but your ECs are gonna hurt you.</p>

<p>would u say low mid or high?</p>

<p>and i forgot to add im top 10% (if it helps any)</p>


<p>come guys i know i dont have a catchy title, but at least its honest! lol and quick Q: if some of your classes involve meetings outside school is it EC as well? and does summer school count as a EC?</p>

<p>bump anyone?</p>

<p>Well i believe your test scores are at least in the 25%-75% range for USC. And your GPA is pretty good too. If your really good at wrestling and plan to continue it in college, it may help. Overall id say your smart enough, but nothing really jumps out of your application. Id say that if you can find a way to make your application stand out you will have a fairly good shot. Ways to do this would include unique ECs or load of Comunity service, or a really reallly great essay. Well good luck.</p>

<p>Also itd be great if you could kind of return the favor and review my chances. My thread is a coulple spots down titled "Chances?? Por favor".</p>

<p>no i dont think summer school counts as a EC. Unless its a difficult or interesting course at a local college or community college that you are just taking for fun or love of knowledge.</p>

<p>TY very much and what are some examples of unique EC's? does the LEAD america one count? and i took summer school to get ahead this summer, should i include that?</p>

<p>Edit: whoops scratch the part about summer school, i didnt read the above post close enough lol</p>