chance me for UW Madison?

GPA UW: 3.77 (on a 4.0 scale; my school doesn’t do weighted GPAs)

Class rank: N/A, my school doesn’t rank

ACT Composite: 30
English: 34
Math: 28
Reading: 34
Science: 25

I am retaking the ACT in September and am tutoring weekly in order to reach a 30-32 composite score.

Cross Country freshman year
Spanish Honor Society
National Honor Society
Universal Education Partnership club
Leo Club
Volunteering at a soup kitchen
Volunteering at XY Wellness (local business [Freshman and Sophomore year])
Paid internship at XY Wellness (10 hours per week [Junior and Senior year])
Mini Business World
Editor for “Scribbler” literary magazine at my school
Volunteering at freshman orientation

Work experience:
Child care (7 years)
Mr. Happy (2 years, local company)
XY Wellness (one year ago to the present, local company)


Both parents did grad and undergrad at Madison. My grandmother worked there as a clinical instructor, and my grandfather was a professor there for 37 years and co founded the business school.


Freshman year:
US History Honors
Algebra 1 Honors
Spanish 2
Drawing and Design
English 1 Honors
Gym / Health

Sophomore year:
English 2 Honors
Film Study (English elective)
Geometry Honors
Western Civilization Honors
Spanish 3
Photography 1

Junior year:
Algrebra 2/ Trig Honors
Contemporary World Issues
General physics
Modern US History
Personal Fitness
Spanish 4
Survey of American Literature Honors
Area Studies- Middle East
Mass Media (English elective)
Trends in 20th Century Literature Honors

Senior year:
AP environmental science
AP Spanish Language
European Literature Honors
Creative Writing
Ceramics and sculpture 1
Art metals and glass 1
Gender studies
Social issues


The Wisconsin School of Business was founded in 1900.

How is that possible?

oops, I meant the Weinert Center for Entrepreneurship.

oops, I meant the Weinert Center for Entrepreneurship.

The 30 ACT and 3.77 unweighted look fine.

Wisconsin resident?

yeah. does that make a difference?

So you want to be a Badger? Just come along with me…

Yes. It’s generally more difficult for out-of-state applicants to get into public universities.

You should be fine with a 3.77 and 30 ACT.


The following contains the current and historical admission stats by residency status (page three or so):

OOS is easier than it used to be because the Regents lifted the limit as of last admission cycle and the current admission rate of just over 50% (domestic OOS) reflects that change. International admit rate remains the most selective due, in part, to increasing popularity of UW-Madison among international students.

For a WI resident it’s very easy to be admitted (around a 2/3 admit rate). However, do keep in mind that the average ACT for WI enrollees is around 28 (vs. a 22 for the average WI tester) so the high schools there seem to do a good job at guiding the right kids to UW-Madison. According to their institutional analysis documents, they really want the highest scoring WI residents (30+) to enroll so you are probably fine with a 30 and if you improved upon that score with the Sept. ACT that would only seal the deal in terms of getting admitted. Hopefully you got the math and science scores up a bit.

The average GPA is 3.85 and 76% have GPA’s of 3.75 or higher (per the CDS 2016 C.11-12). You are in that range and especially given the ACT you should be in good shape.

Good luck to you!