Chance me for Virginia Tech General Engineering Please?

SAT: 670 math, 450 Reading, 500 Writing
SAT IIs: 740 Math LVL II, 690 Phyiscs
GPA: 3.43 UW, 3.93 W
Rank: Top 50%
Other stats: 95 on TOEFL IBT test, 25 ACT, 4 on Calc AP AB

Senior Schedule:
Theather Arts, Sports, Physics AP C Mechanics, Physics AP C E&M, Calc BC, Stats AP, English 12 Honors
Senior Average GPA : 3.2ish UW, 3.7 W

Essays: Talked about how I have to work in my parents restaurant while attending school, which gave me less time to focus on academics, which impacted my GPA and my SAT. and separated with birth parents before I turned 1. reunited with them 10 years later
Teacher Recs: I dont know lol. never read it
Counselor Rec: never read it
Hook (if any): First generation, first to attend college in my family.

State or Country: Maryland
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Chinese
Gender: Male

Other Factors:

Played JV and Varsity football (starting D line), JV and Varsity Track, 100+ hrs of community service

Thanks so much

also i am fluent in Chinese and im considering for ROTC Army program in V Tech(not sure if this increases my chance) thanks very much