Chance me for VT ENGINEERING

4.2 Weighted
9 APs + 3 Post-APs
36 Math
36 English

You will almost certainly get in.

@nasteeR Thanks, I have a main concern and it’s that I didn’t take AP Physics. I am in-state NOVA btw.

Perfect ACT score wow! Not just VT. you will get into UVA and other top schools in the country with that!

You’re set dude. AP Physics is a discriminator class, not a mandatory class. It’s okay if you didn’t take it. :slight_smile:

Thanks everyone! I didn’t get a decision today but I’m hopeful for March.

@AspiringScho1ar I am shocked you did not get a decision yesterday. Did you apply before or after the holiday? That is pretty crazy. Best of luck to you.

@lopeztlo7 I applied in December. A few other students with higher GPA than me also didn’t get anything. It could have a random factor to it.

I wish you much luck for the March release!

Hopefully you will get some good news in March.