Chance me for VTech

W GPA: 3.85
SAT w/ essay: 1290, 14 (I’m currently waiting for my SAT scores from the June SAT)

Honors World History - 95
English - 96
Honors Biology - 91
Honors Alg. 2 -81
Honors Spanish 3 - 90
Intro to Business - 96
Phys. Ed. - 100

American Government - 95
AP Microeconomics - 81
Honors English - 88
Honors Chemistry - 87
PreCalc/Trig - 87
Intro to Computer Science - 94
IB Spanish 4 - 83
Phys. Ed. - 100

Accounting I - 95
American Literature - 99
Phys. Ed. - 100
Calculus - 89
AP Physics 1 - 91
AP Psychology - 92
US History - 99

First Aid/CPR
AP Calculus AB
AP Environmental Science
Computer Science/Programming
AP Statistics
Contemporary Global Issues
HACC College English 101

Extra Curricular Activities:

Track and Field: 1 year
Member of National Honors Society: 2 years (we can only be members in junior and senior year if we meet all the

Leader of the Youth Advisory Board: 3 years
~YAB is an organization in which a select few take leadership roles in preventing alcohol, tobacco, and other drug abuse in their schools and communities.

Recreational Soccer: 10+ years

Speech and Debate: 5 years, Novice Policy Debate for 2 years, Varsity Policy Debate for 3 years, Captain for 3 years
-Semifinalist at La Salle Forum Invitational in the event of Novice Policy Debate

  • 1st place in Pennsylvania High School Speech League (PHSSL) competition in the event of Novice Policy Debate
  • 2nd place in Harrisburg Area Debate League in the event of Varsity Policy Debate
  • 3rd place in PHSSL competition in the event of Varsity Policy Debate

Member of the Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA): 2 years
-2nd place in Hospitality Management
-4th place in Accounting

Member of Cumberland Valley Mini-THON: 2 years

Dance: 11+ years

Currently a Customer Service Specialist at Best Buy: approx. 7 months

60+ hours of community service
- cleaned trash along the highway and local streets
- helped at the NATA medical and dental camp
- volunteered at local library

First, good luck, Va Tech is great and may be within your reach. If you are fully committed to Va Tech, go Early Decision which will be your best opportunity.
For reference, my DS was just accepted Engineering for class of 2022, we are DEEP into understanding the whole application process and likelihood. He was 4.3 GPA, 35 ACT and 32 AP credits going in to Tech. He is average for Engineering.
With that said, the answer is “It depends” - it depends on which college you apply to AND in getting your SAT scores up. If you want Engineering, to be frank, I hate to say it’s not likely. Business, you are probably on the lower side of 50/50. Others, depends - business and engineering is where I have the best knowledge. I say less than 50/50 on Business because I know of people with 3.85 (weighted), 1320 that didn’t get in. The average GPA fo
A couple other thoughts…your competition is your school in Harrisonburg, not the whole state. If you are a high performer in YOUR school, the odds are better. Finally, there is always some Secret Sauce that comes in to play to make it worth chasing this.
Finally, make sure you have a monster 1st semester senior year. Get all A’s. The reason being is that, if they defer your ED to general admission, your GPA will go up a good bit and you will be more competitive the second round.
GOOD LUCK, keep aiming high and chase that goal, you can do it!!!

Your major is going to make a big difference. If you apply for social sciences, then you will probably get in. I got in as an international studies major with 4.0 GPA and 1310 SAT.

However, their engineering programs are extremely competitive. If that is something you’d like to pursue, consider working on your SAT more, aiming for at least 1400.

Good luck!

I’m applying this year as well and I think you have a good shot! If you know VT is the place you have to be, make sure you apply ED. I know their admissions is changing drastically this year so they’ll focus more on your EC’s and things you do outside of school. I heard they won’t focus as much on your scores this year (basically what they said when I visited) but I would maybe get it up to around a 1350 just to be safe. You should be fine! Good luck to us!

One interesting item to note. VT is going to be using the Coalition application starting now. The Coalition App limits how many extracurriculars/awards you can put on your application. There is no place to attach a resume or extra list. They do this to level the playing field. Therefore, you will have to pick those 3-4 extracurriculars/awards that are most important to you and list only those and leave the rest out. This is different from the past when you attached a resume with your laundry list of extras.

I thought that coalition app was going to be used in tandem with the standard one.

That’s a lot of stuff, friend. From my understanding, you’ll get into the school, no doubt. Though, what are you planning to study?