Chance me for Whitman [Syracuse University] ED

Odd. So do me a favor. Take all your classes. And give each A a 4, B a 3 , C a 2

Assign the number for each class and divide by # of classes. So if you have 10 As that’s 40. And 10 Bs that’s 30

So together that’s 70/20 classes. What do you get ? If u have half classes like drivers had u have to adjust

Many schools only count core classes but this will give an estimate.

I’m surprised they only use weighted bcuz’oat colleges will recalc themselves but not all

Let us know.

do A- get like a 3.5 and b- get a 2.5?

Make them whole. Some use .67 for minus like 3.67 for a- and .33 for + like 3.33 for b+. Most use the whole #

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My UW was a 3.7

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OK - so Syracuse in the Common Data set show 27% had a 4.0 - and you can call and confirm but it’ has to be weighted. No way 27% have a 4.0 unweighted.

So you have a solid test score and most don’t submit. You have a 4.0 weighted and you demonstrate interest.

You’re going to get in - even RD - my opinion.

That’s what it is - my opinion. You have to do what’s best for you but again, ensure you are going to go no matter the cost, no matter the merit aid b4 you do so. The best thing to do is have your folks run their net price calculator and get their blessing.

You’ll have many options but if it’s Syracuse you want, I believe it’s Syracuse you’ll have!!

Others may think differently but that’s my opinion.

Good luck to you.

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I’m taking calculus AB this year

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does your parent owning a business increase or decrease cost of the tuition?

It depends. The reason I asked if your parents had a business was to point out that could make the NPC inaccurate. Have you run the NPC?

Yes I did, I got 31k

Great, and is that affordable?


The main reason I’m piping in on a topic I usually avoid is your LOR. I have some concern about your counselor LOR. First, how do you know it’s not that good? And if not, why? Is there anything you can do to remedy this? If I could script it for you, I’d want to swap the accounting LOR for something more traditionally academic. But it’s this weak counselor LOR that gives me the most pause. See what you can do about that.

Lastly, we received some great advice about personal statements and avoiding the hackneyed formulae: avoid the hackneyed formulae. Generally, the “it was hard, I persevered and now stand on the top of the mountain” has been done to death, and while many still work, I would be darn sure that the content of my “I shall overcome” story is compelling. I worry a little that your “keeping it together after spreading yourself too thin,” coupled with metaphor, might be a little … shall we say, overdone? Dig deep and try and tell something about yourself … maybe express a vulnerability without necessarily telling the “winning touchdown” version of it. For example, I’ve read really great personal statements for law school admissions that talked about issues in the applicant’s life that were not necessarily resolved and no happy ending in sight. I read one by a kid with a chronic illness who basically said, “it’s hard and I’m scared about my future,” and that was it! So relatable. He saved us from the “but I shall press on and succeed” ending, which, again, is rather hackneyed. A bunch of people on the committee brought that one up and it made an impression. I’ve heard good college counselors give this advice as well. Basically, don’t try too hard to be unique and paint the image of the oppressed who overcame with a heroic ending. Been done too many times.

Good luck.

I didn’t think Syracuse was an LAC?

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Holy smokes … Whitman at Syracuse. Doh. Egg on my face.

I’ll edit accordingly. Thank you.

Have you shown your parents the $31k NPC results? If not, do that. And, if that $31k is beyond their budget, I encourage you to reconsider applying ED.


Even though I am not applying to Whitman College, I appreciate the criticism.

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It is meant fully in the spirit of helping you up your odds. I know a lot of this stuff can sound harsh when delivered. We’re on the other side of this now but I remember the stress well.

Good luck!

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Very late response. They said that was okay and Syracuse explicitly stated that “ As noted on the ED Agreement, if you apply for financial aid and are not offered an award that makes attendance possible you may decline the offer of admission and be released from the ED commitment.” But thank you for making me very aware of the tuition.

True. At least you have the NPC results, that’s why it’s there, to help people gauge whether or not using their one ED1 option on that school makes sense. Said differently, if their offer matches the $31K NPC, would you accept that?


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