chance me!!! Harvard/MIT/Stanford/Penn and others, will chance back (I pinky promise)

<p>Male from Kansas</p>

<p>ACT: 33, (35M, 30R, 35S, 32W, 30W+ESSAY)</p>

<p>SAT II's: US History: 770 Physics 650 (bad i know) I find out Physics, Math II, Literature in a week.</p>

<p>GPA:4.29W, 3.89UW (all B's come from freshman year and seventh grade)
Ranks: 40/385 W, 58/385 UW</p>

<p>AP's: Calc AB:5, US history: 5, English Lang:5, European history: 5
Physics B, Calculus BC, US Gov, English Lit, Statistics, will be taken in May</p>

<p>Hooks: I wear hearing aids in both ears</p>

Spent all of last summer volunteering at a summer camp,
Spent parts of the last two summers volunteering at a day camp
Assistant teacher at my religious school (10, 11)
Co-chaired a fundraiser for my youth group</p>

Umpire for recreational baseball (10, 11, 12)
Referee for recreational basketball (11, ,12)
Paraprofessional (work with special needs kids) at my religious school (12)</p>

Volunteer Service Herzl Camp: Ozo Program (12)
Received training in leadership and camp counseling skills, helped supervise a cabin of 6-12 campers for eight weeks, also, created and led programming for 10-140 campers</p>

<p>Presidential Service Award: Bronze (10,11)
Worked over 170 hours of service during sophomore and junior year in a variety of activities</p>

<p>JCC Summer Camp Leader in Training (9) and Substitute Junior Counselor (11) received training for Leadership, CPR, and crisis response, while also watching over a group of approximately 12 children. </p>

<p>Kansas City United Synagogue Youth (Purim Carnival Volunteer, (9,10), (Purim Carnival Co-Chair (10) Managed volunteers, Carnival set-up, Prizes</p>

<p>Herzl Camp (10)
Participated in camp clean-up in the summer of 2008</p>

<p>Beth Shalom Madrikh (Counselor) (10,11)
Taught children and assisted Teachers at Beth Shalom’s Polsky Religious School</p>

National Merit Commended Scholar
Honor Roll/Principal’s Honor Roll (9-12) Principal’s-Maintain 4.0 weighted GPA both semesters—Honor Roll- maintain 3.0 GPA both semesters
Academic Letter Winner (9-12) 3.75 or better GPA both semesters
Duke TIP Scholar
Lots of regional FBLA awards
FBLA: First Place State Competition, National Qualifier, Introduction to Business (9)
DECA: Eighth Place State Competition: Principles of Business Management and Administration (11)
Emporia State Scholar: Honorable mention: Chemistry (10) Scored in top 15% of state
Kansas Scholar</p>

<p>Also joined some clubs and activities, along with being freshman class STUCO treasurer</p>

<p>Chance me for...
Stanford (EA)
Washington University in St. Louis
Ohio State

<p>Brandeis, Vandy, GW, Illinois, OSU, MIssouri, Texas— definitely in
uchicago, washu-- low reach
stanford, harvard, penn, mit, brown-- decent reach</p>

<p>You have a good gpa, but your rank could be better
but you never know, i think you have a good chance at most of thesee</p>

<p>Stanford (EA) - Reach
Harvard - Reach
Penn - Reach
MIT - Reach
Brown -Reach
UChicago - Low-Reach
Brandeis - In
Vanderbilt - Low-Reach
Washington University in St. Louis - Low-Reach
GW - Match
Illinois - In
Ohio State - In
Missouri-Columbia - In
Texas-Austin - In</p>



<p>Not sure I would consider this a hook.</p>

<p>Stanford - Reach
Harvard - Reach
Penn - Reach
MIT - Reach
Brown -Reach
UChicago -Reach
Brandeis - In
Vanderbilt -In
Washington University in St. Louis - Low-Reach
GW - In
Illinois - In
Ohio State - In
Missouri-Columbia - In
Texas-Austin - In
Chance back at Chances for Northwestern, ND, USC, UNC, Michgan</p>

<p>Stanford - Reach
Harvard - Reach
Penn - Reach
MIT - Reach
Brown -Reach
UChicago -Reach
Brandeis - In
Vanderbilt -High Match
Washington University in St. Louis - High Match/Low Reach
GW - In
Illinois - In
Ohio State - In
Missouri-Columbia - In
Texas-Austin - In</p>

<p>Chance back please?
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Hey, thanks for the chance earlier. I will chance you after school tomorrow because I’m studying for a biology midterm right now (My first real college test D: ). Sorry for the delay.</p>

<p>Stanford (EA)-High Reach (sorry, but their EA applicants are just off the charts)
MIT- Reach
Brown- Reach
UChicago- Reach
Brandeis-Safe/maybe Match
Vanderbilt- High Match/Low Reach
Washington University in St. Louis-Low Reach
GW- Match
Illinois- Safe
Ohio State- Safe
Missouri-Columbia- Safe
Texas-Austin - Safe</p>

<p>Chance me back please! :smiley:
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Chances are slim at all elite colleges due to class rank outside of top 10%.</p>

<p>bump bump bumpitty bump bump</p>

<p>Stanford (EA)-Reach
MIT- Reach
Brown- low Reach
UChicago- low Reach
Brandeis- in
Vanderbilt- hight match
Washington University in St. Louis- Low Reach
GW- high match
Illinois- in
Ohio State- in
Missouri-Columbia- in
Texas-Austin - match</p>

<p>Stanford (EA), Harvard, MIT - Very high reach (grades and scores are just not there)</p>

<p>Penn, Brown, UChicago - High Reach</p>

<p>Brandeis, Vanderbilt, Washington University in St. Louis, GW - Decent shot (will probably get into at least one.</p>

<p>Illinois, Ohio State, Missouri-Columbia, Texas-Austin - Very good chance at all in this group.</p>

<p>Stanford (EA): high reach…i have friends from CA w/ overall higher everything getting rejected. But then again i have a friend who got in with lower scores than that XD
Harvard: high reach
Penn:high reach
MIT :high reach
Brown: reach
Brandeis: math
Vanderbilt: high match
Washington University in St. Louis: high reach
GW: in fo sho
Illinois: idk
Ohio State: idk
Missouri-Columbia: idk
Texas-Austin: in</p>


<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Stanford - Reach
Harvard - Reach
Penn - Reach
MIT - Reach
Brown -Reach
UChicago - Low Reach/ Reach
Brandeis - In
Vanderbilt -High Match/Low Reach
Washington University in St. Louis - High Match/Low Reach
GW - In
Illinois - In
Ohio State - In
Missouri-Columbia - In
Texas-Austin - In
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Very impressive resume! You have a good shot at all these–Ivys are a reach but they are for EVERYONE!!
Stanford (EA)–good chance
Harvard–decent chance
Penn–decent chance
MIT–decent chance
Brown–decent chance
UChicago–good chance
Washington University in St. Louis–very good chance
Ohio State-in
good luck!
chance me please??</p>

<p>I’m going to respectfully disagree with the person above me. You have few to no long term ECs and some of the ones you named are not that legitimate (Purim carnival? seriously? I guess I set up my local sukkah as well, but I don’t put that as an EC). Poor rank doesn’t help you either. All the ivies + MIT + chicago are very high reaches, and I don’t know much about the state schools. High Match at Brandeis and Vandy, low reach at WashU. Sorry if it seems harsh, but I just try to give my best analysis. Good luck with your college applications!</p>

<p>High Reach
Stanford (EA)


<p>Low Reach
Washington University in St. Louis</p>

<p>High Match

Ohio State
Texas-Austin </p>

<p>Standardized test score is average for all of the top schools. GPA outside of 10% makes the ivies nearly impossible since only max 5% outside of top 10 get in at most (hooks, URM, athletes etc) The ECs dont really help either as the only solid one is community service since the rest are quite minor or have lack of commitment.
That being said, you may get lucky at a top school with stellar essays. However, I recommend finding more realistic reaches and adding a few targets to the list
<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Stanford (EA) high reach
Harvard high reach
Penn mid-high reach
MIT high reach
Brown midreach
UChicago slight reach
Brandeis match
Vanderbilt match
Washington University in St. Louis in
GW in
Illinois in
Ohio State in
Missouri-Columbia in
Texas-Austin - in</p>

<p>can anyone tell me how my hearing aids will help my admissions process!!! That is a BIG reason why I am applying to some of these schools!!</p>

<p>I don’t think your hearing impairment will hurt your chances at all… your gpa and test scores show that you are an excellent candidate… heres the breakdown…</p>

Stanford (EA)

<p>High Match
University of Chicago</p>


<p>Low Matches
Ohio State
Texas-Austin </p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>why would hearing impairment matter? would it be a hook if i have myopia? no, i can just supplement it with prescription glasses.</p>

<p>also, stop spamming the forums with impetuous comments to refer your link.</p>