Chance ME @Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth, NYU

aah, I hope so! thanks for the encouragement. :))

Update: just got an email from Reed College - Waitlisted.

which led to me looking at all the emails they have sent me before. I just found out that they had invited me to interview thrice but I never saw the emails. A waitlist is still more than I could have expected!

Any views on whether I should accept my spot on the waitlist given my other choices?

nyu - rejected

schools left to hear from: Harvard, Yale, Dartmouth

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If you are interested in going there, above and beyond any of your other acceptances, then yes, you should definitely accept the spot, and send them a love letter expressing your interest in going there, and why. If you prefer other schools that you are admitted to, then decline the spot.

How is it that you never saw the emails inviting you to interview? You need to figure out what the disconnect was. You don’t want something like that happening again.

I’m sorry to hear about NYU. You are clearly a highly qualified applicant. College admissions are just so damn competitive and unpredictable, especially this year!! Fingers super SUPER crossed for Ivies!

@parentologist I would definitely prefer going to Toronto over Reed, so I think I am going to decline the spot. Maybe that would mean someone else who is more interested in going gets a chance! The emails went to the promotions in my email, which is strange since I added all the email addresses to my contacts. I’m now checking all my inboxes (along with spam) regularly, so this won’t happen again!

@PerformingDude haha, we are all in this together! I am sure wherever we go, we will make the most of it. I like to think of it this way - I gave it my best shot, but if the AO making decisions for so long decided that they can’t see me there, maybe it wasn’t the best fit! I really hope one of the remaining comes through, but if they don’t I know I will eventually come to terms with it. I wish you all the best, and I hope you get into your dream school. Thank you for being part of my journey! x

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NYU is missing out :).

this is so kind of you. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Fam, it’s a no from every Ivy. Thank you for tuning in! <3

Hey, but you got Toronto, right? Is that where you plan to send in your deposit? I LOVE that city. And it’s probably the top U in Canada. I wish I could go to college all over again, just to go there!

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Yes!!! I sent in my deposit yesterday after decisions! I made a comparison table of all opportunities and the cost. I figured I love the management and international business program (which is where I applied) at UofT and my parents are covering the cost, so that eases my mind about tuition. Plus there is Co-op in my program, so I will gain experience and also earn. Overall ROI seems much higher. Seems like an amazing city apart from the cold, haha! You should come do college all over again with me, I assure you it’ll be fun, hahaha!

Any city with a dog fountain like theirs is tops in my book!

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