CHANCE ME. I'll buy you Britney's new CD! Yeah baby!

<p>Or... not...</p>

<p>Gender: Male
Ethnicity: White/Other (Middle-Eastern)---> What should I put on the Common App? I'm technically Caucasian, but I'm also a "minority".<br>
Region: Midwest
School: Competitive Public
Major: Business</p>

Unweighted/Weighted GPA: 4.0/4.4
Class Rank: 2/350
Most difficult/ nearly most difficult course-load
7 AP Classes by the end of the year
AP Econ:4, AP Language: 5, AP U.S. History: 5</p>

SAT Score: 2260 (740 CR, 780 M, 740 W), 11 Essay
ACT Score: 33 (34 E, 36 M, 32 CR, 29 S), 9 Essay---> Should I even submit my ACT score?
Will take: Math IIC, U.S. History, maybe Chemistry SAT IIs later</p>

All-State Orchestra (10-12)
Concertmaster, 2006 All-State Orchestra(11)
Youth Symphony (9-12)
Concertmaster/ Assistant Concertmaster, Youth Symphony (10-12)
Concertmaster, H.S. Orchestra (11-12)
Class & Section leader, H.S. Orchestra (10-12)
State Young Artist Award (11)
Nebraska/ Foundation Scholarships to attend Rocky Ridge Music Camp (10)
Orchestra Letters & Pins, many Superior Ratings
Quartet Group- play at weddings, etc. (10-12)</p>

<li>Concertmaster = first chair for those of you who don't know*
Music is important to me, but I definitely don't want to major or minor in it. It's just a fun hobby that I happen to be good at. </li>

2007 NFL National Qualifier (11)
7th: State Persuasive Speaking (11)
2nd: District PER Speaking (10)
2-year state speech team (10,11)
Speech Letters/ Pins (10-11)</p>

*French Club (9-12)
President (12)
Superior Rating: French Language Fair
*FBLA (11-12)
Secretary (12)
*Volunteer @ Hospital (10-12)
Teen Leader (12), 150+ Hours
*National Honor Society Tutoring Co-Chair (12)
*TaeKwonDo (9,10,12)
ITA Black Belt (10)
*Piano (9-11)
*Attorney General's Youth Advisory Council (12)
*National Merit Semi-Finalist (12)
*AIME (10)
*Dishwasher (Summer, 12)</p>

<p>RECS and ESSAYS will be good, I'm sure. </p>

UPenn (Wharton)
And obviously state's school for safety.</p>

<p>Be honest.. and I hope nobody recognizes me from this because that would be REALLY embarrassing.</p>

<p>Hello?!! Guess my title really turned people off. lmao.</p>

<p>This is a good strong profile. If you can get 750+ on your SAT subject tests, I don't see why you wouldn't be competitive at these schools.</p>

<p>Great stats, but Ivies/top schools are tough for anybody! You have a good of a shot as anyone, but it's a crapshoot.</p>

<p>And speaking of Britney's new CD, there was this Associated Press review in our paper today of it. And it was...glowing. Said it was fantastic and her best work ever. Frightening, isn't it?</p>

<p>I hope you realize that NONE of the schools on your list with the exception of Penn offer your prospective major...</p>

<p>sounds good...</p>

<p>but your aps are a bit weak.</p>

<p>three after junior year?</p>

<p>good scores though
crazy good ECs BTW</p>

<p>butt.. i think you should cut them in HALF. like most of them are good but some are a bit trying-too-hard-to-fill-every-space and arent all that awesome if you know what i mean</p>

<p>also... im expecting britney's new CD in the mail.</p>

<p>Yeah, my school doesn't offer very many APs because we're not high-class like that. I've taken (or will take) all possible AP classes offered, with the exception of World History (took honors instead), Human Geography, and Art Portfolio (not going to happen). Thanks for the comment about my ECs, though. I was wondering about the list being superfluous.
And good point about the business major problem. According to my knowledge, many of the schools don't offer "business" as a major per se, but they do offer some sort of permutation of it (economics, for example).</p>

<p>Any more comments??</p>