Chance Me (International Freshman)

Int’l (South East Asian)
ACT 33 (Sep) and 29 (Jun)
GPA 3.85 (grades 7-9) & 3.77 (grades 10-12)

Silver Medal, World Youth Mathematics Intercity Competition (Int’l level)
Silver Medal, China Southeast Mathematical Olympiad (Int’l level)
Honorable Mention, Asia Pacific Mathematics Olympiad (Int’l level)
Group III International Honor Roll, University of Waterloo’s Euclid Math Contest (Int’l level)
Gold Medal (ranked fifth overall), National Mathematics Olympiad in my home country (National level)

the only female finalist in Final International Mathematical Olympiad Training Camp four years in row (42 hrs/wk, 12 wks/yr)
co-writer of book series. Sold all 8000 copies printed and raised $20,000 for organizing school activities
AwesomeMath Summer Program at UC Berkeley (appointed to be a teaching assistant next year)
3 years Math Club (Member in Soph, Secretary in Jr., President in Sr.)
organize several interschool competitions that attracted 300-500 ppl. fr. 50 schools nationwide
Establishing Community Service Project at my home town (about flip classroom & distance learning)

2 Letters of recommendations: great

Btw, I made several typos in the app (like teaching assistance instead of assistant)

Looks great to me. Good luck.