Chance me lads!!

Early applying within a week to the Engineering college

~3.75 UW gpa, W much higher around 4.1

8 AP classes, plus 6 more Senior year

31 comp. ACT, superscore 32.
1980 comp. SAT, superscore 2050

SciOly club, 2 years (varsity)
Academic bowl team, 1 year (JV, freshman year lol. Also designed the T-shirt)
I have a lot of international experience but I’m not sure how to tie that into an EC activity (I was born in Germany and only moved to the US (Georgia) at like 11 years old)

Essay about “what goes unnoticed” is seriously freaking good - writing about how I act as a mediator when the American and German side of my family clash culturally

Other essay is solid, my dad is a CE alumnus with honors

Not really sure what else I’ve got.

31 ACT
3.75 GPA

^Sounds good!

Thanks! You seem to know a lot about the school - are they open to giving early applicants acceptances if they are a good fit? I know a lot of schools will defer you until the first semester of senior year.

That’s hard to predict.

The only thing you can count on is if you apply by the early November deadline you will find out by January 31 if you are accepted, rejected or postponed.

Best of luck to you!

(Did you know that German ancestry is quite common for people of Wisconsin?)

You apply to, and are admitted to, the university as a whole regardless of your intended major (if any). Rolling admissions so you can get a decision any time. Many are postponed, the decision delayed until all applications have been reviewed after the application deadline in early February. Being a good fit is not the criterion for admissions- that is your criterion for choosing schools.

You have a good chance of acceptance. Applying sooner means you may get an answer sooner.

I have a question for you - on the UW application, there’s really just not a lot of room to write about activities. Certain things I really want to just write a paragraph about, such as my leadership experience captaining a Dota 2 team. I feel like, if I want to include Dota in my app and have it not dismissed as just a video game (it’s highly strategic and promotes leadership skills), I just don’t have enough room. Similar situation with Snowboarding which I onlyget to do about 3 times a year, but it’s essentially my favorite sport

So my question is, should I add these sort of non-school-related activities if I can only paraphrase them in a couple of sentences?

That’s the idea- concise info so admissions doesn’t get bogged down in trivia you feel matters but the details do not.

Your opinion of your activity does not make it worth many words. btw- being passionate about something but only participating x 3 makes it nothing to write about. Your video game is important to you but nothing special- online is not real life leadership et al. Everyone fills their time with something. So far it seems as though you spend your free time indulging in a video game and that’s all. It does not matter which video game.

Thanks for the input, I actually appreciate constructive criticism.

Most of my application revolves around academics. To say that I spend all my free time playing games isn’t true, I have endless schoolwork and studying to stay on top of and I have for many years. It’s just something I like to do which I feel provides valuable experience

Anyway, I suppose I’ll just leave those things out and try to get in on academic merit/international background/legacy alone. Should probably work.

Free time is the time left after doing necessary homework, studying, any paid jobs. The best students have time for activities after doing those.

btw- not all of us are males, but we still decided to answer questions. And- some of us are alumni or parents- not exactly lads and lassies by any stretch of the imagination. Being cute is forgiven.

Haha sorry, I just like saying lads. no connotations there.

Thanks for all the help. I will be submitting my application this weekend

I wrote my essay on counter strike