Let’s cut to the chase, thank you 
*Legacy (father attended)
Weighted GPA: 3.89
SAT: 1300
AP Scores || AP Lang(4) AP Gov(4) AP Chem(3)
Extra Curriculars:
Key Club - on board
National Honors Society
Link Crew/Pride
Varsity Soccer (3 years, 1 year Jv)
Science Olympiad
Social Studies Olympiad
80+ Volunteer Hours
Amateur Photographer
Entrepreneur (dropshipping, clothing, social media marketing)
Quick Notes:
- Retaking SAT, I bashed math portion (610) because I cracked under pressure and scored 10/20 on non-Calc (I went back online after questions were posted and got 18/20)
- Took ACT, estimating 30-31, going to retake for 33-34 (will send reg decision too)
- Applying LSA early action
- 4 Teacher letters of rec (good ones) + 1 counselor letter of rec
Thank you, and what can I do to improve my chances?
Senior Courseload:
AP Micro
AP Physics
AP Calc AB
AP Lit
Visual Basic (C++ coding b/c I want to build an app)
*I’ve taken only the hardest classes available at my school (honors & APs), no class rank available (but definitely top 10% out of 300+ student senior body), respected school in Michigan
I’d also like to add that for the past two summers I’ve taken coding classes there (reasons listed above), I was thinking about putting that into my UofM essay
I think you have a pretty good shot, as long as you can raise your SAT’s a little. Your EC’s are a little generic, but if you can express a passion in your essays that wouldn’t matter much. Other than that, your being a Legacy and in-state gives you a good chance. Good Luck!
They will recalculate your GPA to unweighted.
Your retakes won’t make it for early action. Pray for a deferral and resubmit test scores? Your act score won’t make it in time for EA. Your Sat test score is just a huge problem, it might be better waiting for regular decision.
Sat is a problem. Either apply regular or take your chance on applying early. When you get deffered then send in the other scores. I would email Michigan regional counselor and ask
Somebody in my school was accepted with a 1300 last year
That somebody could have been accepted for talent reasons. Getting accepted to LSA with a 1300 isn’t giving yourself a huge probability for success for entry. No one is saying impossible, but you wanted to cut to the chase. 150 points below average isn’t giving yourself the best resume. I think the best case scenario is deferment.
How much harder will it be to get into UofM regular decision given that some spots will be already taken?
It’s not just about grades and test scores.
Right up front, we are told they are looking for the best and brightest, not just the brightest. They are building a patchwork student body. A broadly diverse one. Like building a puzzle, they look for anchor pieces to begin - those are the EA acceptances. As the big picture pulls together over the coming months, an EA application demonstrates a strong interest and gives you an edge over an RD application with a similar fit.
Don’t worry about being deferred. Use a LOCI to remind them how you fit into their class of 2023.
LOCI is CC shorthand for a letter of continuing interest. If one is deferred in December some students will send an email stating that UofM is their top choice and that they still hope to be accepted. It is not required but some hope that it will help their chances.
spell caucasian correctly