Chance Me: Non-Resident US Citizen - Rising Junior [IGCSE, business or economics, <$50k]

These are members of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences (AAUS): Organizational Members (Public). These are schools where I think there is a high likelihood of being able to continue (and even improve) on your diving.

Interestingly, when I was doing a search on colleges with dive programs, a lot of northern schools actually populated the highest search results, when I would have expected schools in more southern climes to dominate.

Among schools that are AAUS members that did not pull up on my web search’s earlier results, I’d also consider:

  • Cal Poly - San Luis Obispo: About 21k undergrads
  • Florida Gulf Coast: About 14k undergrads
  • Florida State: About 34k undergrads
  • North Carolina State: About 27k undergrads

Boston U., Duke, Stanford, and U. Southern California are private schools in AAUS not mentioned above that you may want to run the NPCs on.

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