<p>replied everyone
<p>Dartmouth- Reach
Williams- Low Reach
Amherst- Low Reach
Princeton- Reach
Colgate- Match
Colby- Low Match
St. Lawrence- In
Bates- High match</p>
<p>I know a girl who got into Dartmouth (and currently attends) who had lower SAT scores than that and got in. She also had a good list of EC’s, so who knows? I believe Dartmouth alone is a good low reach for you.</p>
<p>Shameless Bump :-S</p>
<p>Colleges love olympiad winners. I know a kid who had 2100 range SAT and okay GPA but got into MIT because of the olympiad. Your achievements in chemistry would outweigh the relatively low SAT score, I believe.</p>
<p>wow you have some reallly amazing ECs, and your GPA is pretty impressive
you have a solid chance at almost every college BUT your financial aid might be your downfall. because you need so much financial aid, you might not get into many of these schools (i know it really sucks but you might get offers because you’re so amazing at life :P)</p>
<p>dartmouth - match (reach with FA)
williams - high match/ low reach (esp. w/ FA)
amherst - i think they have need blind admissions so…high match?
princeton - reach (for everyone, and i think they’reneed blind too. you have a SOLID chance here)
colgate - match (reach w/ FA)
colby - match (ditto)
st. lawrence - in fo sho (but reach w/ FA)
bates - same as st. lawrence</p>
<p>you should have some backup schools that are cheap and/or that give tons of FA to internationals…i know a lot of kids that were brilliant but didn’t get into their top choice cuz of their need.
sorry to be a downer haha, but i really hope you get into all of them! best of luck!</p>
<p>btw, what’s your ethnicity? you stand a higher chance if you’re from an underrepresented country (like fiji or some strange african nation)</p>
<p>Nice awards and your EC shows your dedicated in what you do… i’d say…
dartmouth and princeton - reach
williams - low match
amherst, colgate, colby, st. lawrence, and bates - match</p>
<p>Best of luck! ^-^</p>
<p>Bump 10 char</p>
<p>thanks for the chance. id say match for every school but dartmouth and princeton
dartmouth: i think that your abundance of ec’s and grades will help make up for your sat score so i’d say high match/low reach
princeton: mid reach… sorry but sat’s definitely need to be higher when talking about HYP…</p>
<p>hey hey hey!!!
my views differ slightly from others…i think you are a great asset to any college you go…and,all these colleges will be interested about you…OKAY! your SAT scores are not that good (i agree), but you are an INTERNATIONAL…and, the admission office knows that…rest of your stats are killer…so, you are on your way buddy! good luck…</p>
<p>You seem pretty accomplished in your ECs (I especially like the chemistry slant). However, your SAT scores are fairly low, and you’re applying for financial aid as an international applicant (which hurts your chances a lot). Most of the schools on your list are very selective too. </p>
<p>You have an excellent shot at all the LAC’s except Amherst and Williams. Princeton and Dartmouth will be tough as well.</p>
<p>ivies reach (like for us all dont be discouraged i say you might have a better shot at dartmouth)</p>
<p>rest match</p>
<p><a href=“http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/845309-chance-me-por-favor-urm-d.html[/url]”>http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/what-my-chances/845309-chance-me-por-favor-urm-d.html</a></p>
amherst-high match
not too sure about the rest</p>
<p>dartmouth - high reach
williams ?
amherst ?
princeton high reach
colgate match
colby match
st. lawrence match
bates match</p>
Thanks for the chance…
Your chemistry achievements are amazing, but i think you may want to retake your SATs. Your writing score honestly isn’t good enough.</p>
<p>Princeton: Definitely a reach
Dartmouth: Reach
Williams/amherst: high match
Rest: Match</p>
<p>Good Luck!</p>