<p>Hey, can some of you guys chance me at the following schools? I'll try to not make this text dense. </p>
<p>Cornell (arts and sciences) -- Early Decision. My grandfather went there, and the Cornell supplement asks for grandparents for alumni relation - so this is a legacy</p>
<p>George Washington University</p>
<p>Colby - Huge legacy here, my mom, dad, and one of my sisters have graduated ..my other sister will be a sophomore there next year. My dad has donated several thousand dollars (..i sound really preppy/annoying right here..don't be mad, i can't think of any other way to say this)</p>
<p>University of Michigan</p>
<p>University of Pennsylvania</p>
<p>Here's a brief, yet thorough list of my stats.</p>
<p>State of Residency - Oklahoma
Race - Caucasian
Sex - Male
Highschool - Ranked In Top 100 US NEWS - Rank is like 58 or something. It's the best public school in Oklahoma.</p>
<p>GPA UW - ~3.9
GPA W - 4.4
Class Rank - ~5-15/320 ----top 2-4%</p>
<p>SAT's - CR - 800 (mm..sexy) M - 610 WR - 700
1410/1600 2110/2400</p>
<p>SAT II's - Chemistry - 760
I plan on taking Lit and Math IIC</p>
IB Diploma Candidate **
Taking most rigorous course load of almost all Core I.B. Classes (except for varsity swimming). </p>
<p>EC's - Model UN - 11th and 12th
Politics Club - 11th and 12th
NHS - 10th, 11th, and 12th (starts at 10th)
Varsity Swimming - 10th, 11th..might do 12th. I won a few medals.
Robotics Club - 10th, 11th, 12th
Latin Club - 9th, 10th</p>
<p>Awards - National latin exam silver medalist
Chemistry Olympiad District Qualifier (didn't get to go to state because only 2 people are allowed from each school, and our school had 8--really good chem teacher)</p>
<p>Community Service - I'll just be doing the CAS hours for IB..so it should be around 70 or so.</p>
<p>Teacher recs - Should be good, but not GREAT...I have one teacher who will most likely put me at top 5%-1% for most everything, but will write a (most likely) somewhat impersonal letter (he was my A.P. and pre a.p. Chem teacher, but our relationship wasn't all that close because he mainly just focused on teaching rather than getting to know the students. My other Rec will most likely be top 10%-5%, but the letter should be very good.</p>
<p>Essays - I plan on writing an author who really inspired me. The author was very famous and he taught at Cornell.</p>
<p>Summers - I worked as a personal assistant at an oil company in the town (under my grandpa, but they don't need to know that =)
I did an astronomy camp at the university of Arizona in the summer 07, and i'm attending Summer@Brown right now -- taking an economics class. </p>
<p>Me and my Dad also quail hunt. I don't know if the fact that I hunt would be good or bad as an EC - Potentially offending, yet potentially unique. And no, I'm not a hick with an accent from Oklahoma you D-bag.</p>
<p>Additional Info: I've had a few B's (3 semesters where i've had 1 B) all but 1 were in a math class. I really want to go to Cornell, but i think i'll be equally as happy at many of the other schools on that list, so long as it's not in a big city. I don't really have any leadership yet, but i might be able to get a spot in robotics club and politics club next year. I'm thinking about majoring in chemistry, history, or economics. I won't need financial aid.</p>