<p>I just applied EA to UGA, and I want to know realistically what my chances of getting in are. I would also like to know what my chances of getting into Columbia, any UC schools (specifically Santa Barbara), George Mason, and NYU. With Columbia, I know it's a long shot, but would applying there now help me at all later on when I apply there for med school? Here are some of my stats:
- 4.0 GPA, including 8 AP classes after graduation (have passed all exams I've taken with all 4s and 5s)
- 1910 on SAT(1270 without writing) (will probably take again if I apply to other schools)
- Beta Club and NHS
- Both parent graduated from UGA (business school and pharmacy school in addition to undergrad)
- head editor of Yearbook
- four year letter in tennis and head captain
- academic letter
- GHP nomination in math
- over 100 hours of community service since freshman year
- AP Scholar with Honor
- don't know if this matters, but speak English and Spanish (currently learning French)
If you want to know any more stats about me, just ask! Thank you!</p>