Chance me please for the engineering school??

<p>GPA: 3.7UW 4.2W
SAT: Reading 620, Math 790
Ethnicity: Chinese</p>

<p>Ranked ~100th out of 400 at competitive high school
Dad went to college, mother did not
Extracurricular: Member of Asia Club, French Club, SCI Club (I was a physics tutor), recreational basketball and ice hockey</p>

<p>I don't know if this matters, but I did not do any of the optional statements, and I applied on the 17th (deadline was extended to the 17th).</p>

<p>I don’t know how to edit my original post, but I forgot to put up my schedule:</p>

<p>Senior Year:</p>

<p>AP Physics B
AP Gov
AP Statistics
AP Calculus BC
Dual Enrollment English
Honors Pyschobiology (Elective)
Honors Computer Science (Elective)</p>

<p>Junior Year:
AP Calculus AB
AP US History
AP Biology
Honors English
Honors Cell Biology (Elective)
Honors French 4
Honors Physics</p>

<p>I did Chinese 1 in freshman year, but then they stopped offering that, so I took up french, 4 years total of french.</p>

<p>bump please</p>