CHANCE ME PLEASE, im applying tommorrow

<p>ED to columbia or cornel or nyu-- all aplications rdy, not sure which one</p>

<p>Azerbajanni male, english not first language
4.0 GPA
top 10%
SATs--above 2100, not sure exactly however
SAT IIs-- math 1, math 2, us history- taking nov. (rush delivery) - each should be above 750</p>

<p>volenteer - many ive been doing before high school started</p>

<p>synagogue -- over 700 hours, since i was 11 years old
- Assistant manager of all charity operations within synagogue
-created charity program, method of distributing and gathering money for charity
-tutored math in synagogue 3 hrs a week
-conducted bar mitzvah lessons
-Did main research, along with one friend, for an author writing a book currently in publishing</p>

<p>Member of the jewish national outreach program</p>

<p>city.. imagining- radiology -- over 100 hours
SI university hospital- over 20 hours
paino tutor, free, over 10 hours</p>

Car dealer assitant- present
secetary to insurance boker - 2 yrs ago
accounting assistant- 3 years ago</p>

-Pressident of art club
-ping pong club
-math team
-chess team</p>

<p>Black belt shotokan karate
- third place in nations in washington d.c
- 1st in USA Shotokai assocation inter dojo championshops
- won over 40 sparring championships(should i list them on resume?)
- video footage avaliable</p>

<p>judo- studied judo for 3 summers</p>

former member of United states chess federation
1st place twice in school chess tournamnet
1st place in 9 tournament in JEC</p>

<p>Paino-- wrote 2 compostions-- will send 1 in on disk, however i never played professonally</p>

<p>talmud study -- taking talmud classes for 3 years
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Unread Today, 11:45 AM #2
New Member</p>

<li>Took 2 ap tests, 4 on both ------- taking 4 now total of 6, the most teh school offers</li>
<li>Finishing high school in 3 years, not 4</li>
<li>took kingsbourough college now courses-- toatl of 5 classes, i think 12, or college 11 credits</li>
<li>took anatomy and physiology, college level</li>

<p>bumppppp please help me guys, be nice</p>

<p>cumon guys help me out here</p>

<p>obviously columbia and cornell are going to be difficult; your e.c.'s look pretty good and your sat scores are obviously very good, but not super competitive for those schools. NYU would be your best shot, but I do know that the % accepted of those applying ED to Columbia is relatively high compared to other schools. You might try and find those admittance percentages for those schools and see which one will give you the best edge considering you don't seem too set on any of them.</p>

<p>I think you're fine.</p>

<p>NYU shouldn't be a problem at all, and I think you have a good chance at both Cornell and Columbia.</p>